Education is more important for crypto adoption now than ever. So...I made a thing!

Crypto education is more important now than ever. Lots of our family and friends still don't understand most of the common concepts of crypto - much less the advanced ones. I still have family that think that Bitcoin is a scam. I have friends that think it's just like the Beanie Babies. Despite that, others are inquisitive. They ask what Bitcoin is. They want to know about blockchain and what "hodl" means. No one was born with basic knowledge of cryptocurrencies - everyone needs a basic foundation before they can begin to understand the intricacies of how it all works. They need an ELI5 for most of the concepts that we see as already being simple.So I created Crypto Peanuts.It's a site that's focused on the simplest explanations for each concept, a variety of cryptocurrencies, and exchanges. It addresses the most common questions about crypto (like whether it's a scam or imaginary play money), as well as how to actually use it. The site is not intended to provide advanced knowledge about any of these concepts, but the hope is that it gets your family and friends to the point where they're ready for that.It's not perfect and it needs a lot of work, but I'm committed to making this as helpful as possible. There is a long list of updates that I'd like to make including adding more reputable exchanges and cryptocurrencies, as well as expanding a bit on some of the information provided across the board. If you have any new ideas or feedback at all, I'd love to hear it. Everyone wins when crypto adoption is increased, and anything that helps further that is a win for us all.I've been a redditor for a long while and have absolutely enjoyed r/CryptoCurrency. I'm excited to be able to actually contribute something for once (beyond shitposting in the daily), and I hope that this site is useful enough for you to share with your friends and family!

Submitted January 20, 2021 at 09:49PM

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