Rohan Grey, advisor to the Democrat Congress Reps who put forth a new bill to ban stablecoins, is advocating to ban running blockchain nodes. We should demand that Stanford and the UN ICT agency sever all connections to him. What he is advocating is absolutely totalitarian and monstrously evil

He is currently Vice-Chair (Privacy) of the Digital Currency Global Initiative, which is a joint project by the International Telecommunication Union, which is the UN ICT agency, and Stanford.To advocate such a totaliarian position - where running a software node that operates according to an autonomous algorithm becomes illegal in the United States - means he is profoundly authoritarian in his mindset and agenda.Ultimately his goal must be to either keep all cryptocurrency networks out of the US through extreme control over the internet within the US, or to eliminate all autonomous cryptocurrency networks from the world.This would disenfranchise millions of people, and prevent the emergence of decentralized financial networks that have already shown they have the ability to dramatically improve the living conditions of people facing some of the most challenging socioeconomic conditions in the world.To advocate for such a heavy-handed and illiberal respose to a voluntarily formed decentralized software network makes it completely inappropriate for an international organization like the UN, or a world renowned university like Stanford, to have any affiliation with him.He's advocating nothing less than the total suppression of non-official human activity, and total bureaucratic supremacy, of the kind characteristic of the worst totalitarian societies.We should contact the UN ICT Agency and Stanford and demand they distance themselves from someone advocating government measures that pose such a grave threat to human rights in the US and to financial empowerment worldwide.

Submitted December 03, 2020 at 04:17PM

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