I work as a mechanical engineer / project manager performing major overhauls on nuclear plant systems. I have degrees in Chemical and Nuclear engineering, but I spend the vast amount of my personal life researching crypto, financial policy, and the future of money.

As comfy as my current role is, it's simply not something I have passion for. I pour my all into my work and have taken units from emergency shutdown to full power after months of emergency work, and kept them operational, yet just dont feel fulfilled because my heart wants to work with what I have a passion for: crypto and finance.Is there any way to transition from the role I currently have to a role in a crypto startup or already well established crypto company such as coinbase. Where could my skills be utilized? Im ready for a career change, am willing to live anywhere, and would love to work with my passions. I have led projects of hundreds of men, but software development is much different than tearing a powerplant apart and putting it back together.Is this a pipe dream of mine or is it possible to work in crypto with my background?Also, this is not solicitation for jobs. I have an incredible job. I would just rather work in the field that is my passion and am wondering if others think it could be feasible given my background.

Submitted March 31, 2020 at 08:00AM

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