A Big Thank You to Crypto

My wife and I (like many) have struggled through this pandemic. Neither of us make a lot of money at our jobs (although we both have Master's degrees) due to the nature of our work.My wife's jobs have taken a big hit financially because of the pandemic. This was especially bad towards the beginning of dealing with COVID. I had a small amount of various cryptocurrencies that I had saved up over time and, although I didn't want to sell them, I sold them in order to get us through our bad financial situation.I made enough of a small amount of profit on my crypto to give us a little extra income that allowed us to stay afloat during the early parts of the pandemic.I don't think that we would have made it through if I hadn't sold my crypto and I just wanted to let people know that sometimes you HAVE to sell in order to survive... and that's ok. Food, water, shelter, etc. will always be more important than hanging onto your crypto. You can always accumulate more later.I have many, many moments these days where I wish I would have been able to hang onto the crypto that I purchased (I would've made a tidy profit from them) but then I remember that I didn't really have much of a choice at the time and I'm proud of myself for investing enough money earlier to get us through a bad patch (instead of spending it frivolously on dumb shit).I'm sure that there are many people out there with similar stories to mine. Remember to not invest more than you can lose and try to prepare for difficult financial situations. Have some savings, learn how to live frugally, and DCA in the projects that you believe in...because it might just get you through difficulties that you could've never predicted.

Submitted February 24, 2021 at 11:14PM

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