Dollar Cost Average (DCA) spreadsheet to help with research (mostly for newbies)

I was replying to a comment on another thread about DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging). With the influx of people new to crypto or perhaps even trading for that matter, I decided to share here my perspective. I often use a spreadsheet to mess around with various prices to see various scenarios (DCA, profit/loss, etc.)Each coin I put in it's own tab. This allows me to play around with whatever I've purchased to see if I were to buy in at another price how that would affect my DCA and/or profitability. I try to enter previous transactions as close I can but not so detailed that I need to have 100's of rows. Once I've have past trades (and average costs) calculated. This allows me to enter the current price at bottom of spreadsheet (or using the live price from googlefinance function) and then enter the number of coins I want (or tweak the line to allow me to enter how much I want to spend) and see how it changes my DCA, profit/loss, etc.Then as my first tab I have as a Summary. This pulls in the COUNT and COST for each of the individual tabs and then allows me to mess around with the current price to see how some scenarios may play out. I don't use this one that much honestly. Usually used merely as porn to make me fantasize how rich I could be if something goes crazy.Feel free to check out a sample spreadsheet with some notes and examples on it: I tried to use the google function on some to pull in live prices but others are not available so require you to enter them (or a value you are wanting to see profit/loss for, etc.)I assume I'm not alone in using something like this?

Submitted February 25, 2021 at 06:05AM

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