Reddit Moons have paid for my bills two months in a row now. I literally cannot believe Internet memes are covering living costs!

Sorry if this seems like a silly post but I am absolutely blown away that my comments and posts on this subreddit are paying my bills.I tried to explain this to my parents and a couple of friends but they couldn't get their head around it, they still think I'm some crazy bitcoin investor who is gambling his money like a mad man.The whole reddit moon concept is genius and I am truly impressed at how the community has handled it so far especially with the ability to vote on key issues and how they are distributed.I guess all I can say is thank you and I hope they are all helping you as much as they are me!Edit - people have asked what moons are so I have copied and pasted a summary i wrote a while back as a reply in the comments

Submitted February 26, 2021 at 05:19AM

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