Is there any particular reason why nobody is talking about how incredibly smooth Vechain's Conversion to VET has been?

Bare with me for a moment, I understand that Vechain for some particular reason is not appreciated on the Crypto Currency Reddit, but I truly believe we need to discuss this.I have been doing crypto for a bit now, and I have yet to see such a smooth, launch/swap Vechain just pulled off.Lots of other coins (I won't list them, since this is a more positive post), had massive issues either with bugs, or improper swaps, voting issues, hacks, awful streams with little information, Wallet problems, etc.)But the incredible team of Vechain had honestly in my opinion the smoothest transition of a coin I have seen since i started crypto.1 - The swap was perfect, Withdraws and deposits were all made at the proper time. 2 - Binance Launched the trade exactly at the time, on the dot as vechain and binance advertised. 3 - The wallet is incredibly simple, sleak, with little bugs. 4 - The wallet made depositing extremely easy, and People INSTANTLY have started to Generate Vtho, literally within minutes of transferring. 5 - Vechain has been extremely transparent, and the amount of positivity from not just the fanbase, but from other coin supporters has been staggering.I believe that the Vechain team had a tough task, after the debacle of rival launches, they were impressive and deserve praise.

Submitted July 25, 2018 at 08:02PM

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