Crypto is the only path to financial freedom I see for young people like me

For many people in their 20s and 30s, myself included, crypto represents a chance at a better life. I want money to support a family and myself financially, and this might be the only path to it I can see.I don’t want to have to worry about not being able to pay my rent. I don’t want to have to worry about not being able to put food on the table. I don’t want myself or my family to be scaredI want a chance to start something big. I want to lay down the foundation of success in my family for generations to come. That is my dream and that is my moon. I wonder if many other people in their 20’s like me think this way.

Submitted August 01, 2021 at 11:43AM

I have finally made it in the green again!

So I am one of those people, and I am sure there are many of us, that joined crypto during the last bull run. I myself joined up in March and was on top of the world until our crash in May.... Ever since I have been deep in the red (as far as -40% at some point) but I've kept going DCA and... This morning I am in the green! Just wanted to share my happy news. For all of you not out of the red yet: keep going, DCA and stake your crypto and you will get there!Edit: some spelling errors

Submitted August 01, 2021 at 12:12PM

Bitcoin crossed 42K twice within two days

We know 42k is a major support.We know once it crosses and holds, we are game.We know once BTC goes back up in August, we are game.Here's to you - make moneyyyy! I want everyone to profit in this cycle! Boom baby!

Submitted August 01, 2021 at 10:38AM

CPA - Tax Professional 12+ years here [USA]. Happy to answer any questions regarding tax on Crypto Gains & Losses, current reporting guidelines, laws and current increasing IRS efforts.

The IRS added a new checkbox this year on Form 1040 p. 1 ‘Did you trade virtual currency?’. They’ve subpoenaed Coinbase and are forming entire divisions devoted to finding those not paying tax on crypto gains. That being said, there are still ways to properly report while also mitigating your liabilities. Luckily COVID has set them back quite a bit with regards to work in general - that being said, pandemic cost the US a lot and they’ll be coming after any easy targets for tax (usually billionaires-crypto traders will be at the top of the list in next couple years imho)

Submitted August 01, 2021 at 08:46AM

Ethereum2.0 will Handle x7 Times more Transactions Per Second than Visa

Ethereum 2.0 will outperform Visa by a factor of 7 when it comes to transactions per second.Ethereum 2.0 will handle around 100,000 transactions per second according to Vitalik Buterin, while Visa claims to handle around 15,000 transactions per second.But in practice Visa only handles around 1,700 transactions per second. This would make Ethereum outperform Visa by a factor of around x59 times more transactions per second than Visa.

Submitted August 01, 2021 at 07:03AM

Shark Tank’s Kevin O'Leary Won't Invest in Dogecoin, Says 'I Don’t Understand Why Anybody Would'

Submitted August 01, 2021 at 08:02AM

Shitcoin Shiba Inu is Down 80% from All Time High as eToro enables it for Trading

Submitted August 01, 2021 at 06:02AM

Daily Discussion - August 1, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.Disclaimer:Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.Rules:All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language.Comments will be sorted by newest first.Useful Links:Beginner ResourcesIntro to r/Cryptocurrency MOONs 🌔MOONs Wiki Pager/CryptoCurrency Discordr/CryptoCurrencyMemesPrior Daily Discussionsr/CryptoCurrencyMeta - Join in on all meta discussions regarding r/CryptoCurrency whether it be moon distributions or governance.

Submitted August 01, 2021 at 07:00AM

Congrats everyone! BTC is back to HODL level on the BTC Rainbow Chart (aka BTC logarithmic regression)! Link in comments. is the chart that gives me the most hope that this isn't a true bear market, but just a temporary correction caused by market uncertainty.We just got back to HODL territory, and that means we're on track with what the price of BTC "ought" to be on average in a sustainable trend.If you're looking to sell or buy and didn't know about this chart, it's a straightforward tool to help know what price you're getting for your BTC.With that being said, smarter people than me recommend dollar cost averaging and getting into a market whenever you can vs waiting for a correction.Also, upvote any posts you want others to see here in r/cryptocurrency. Keep those downvote bots at bay!

Submitted August 01, 2021 at 04:23AM

Reality as a social construct – How IOTAs radical tech-decisions aim to disrupt the DLT space

Hi everyone,Many of you recognize IOTA for its bold technological aims that have sparked lots of controversy in the DLT community. While supporters feel they are witnessing the birth of another technological revolution, others discard IOTAs lofty goals as hand-waving and vaporware.Here I want to bring some substance to this debate by explaining WHY IOTA claims to develop disruptive and groundbreaking DLT and how this claim is based on a mind-boggling technological decision: To give up on objective reality in the networkWhats the problem with blockchains?Blockchains are limited in their use and real-world adoption due to fundamental design characteristics, which cannot be fixed by fine-tuning some parameters – instead, to achieve a real breakthrough, the whole concept must be questioned.Problem 1: Blockchains will never be fully decentralized and will always rely on middle-menDatabases traditionally rely on permissioned leaders to decide which transactions (tx) will be booked into the ledger. Bitcoins novelty was to find a way determine a temporary leader between non-trusting parties – whoever solves the hash-puzzle first gets to decide the changes in the next block. Today we know various methods for finding leaders, most popular being proof-of-work (PoW) and proof-of-stake (PoS). However, although blockchain was a good step towards decentralization, participants of these networks will always rely on very small minorities of powerful figures to participate in the network: Either corporations (professional miners) or rich people (stakers).Another serious downside of leader-based DLTs is that in order to convince them to include someones tx, they must be paid with fees. A bidding contest for the limited space on the blockchain ensues, that gives rise to unpredictable and sometimes exploding prices. PoW additionally faces the problem of completely relying on an immense use of energy – a practice, which in times of climate-crisis is regarded by many as anachronistic (more discussion about that in THIS thread).PoS on the other hand suffers from very high risk of increasing centralization, because the richest stakers are continuously rewarded with ever more tokens – which creates a feedback-loop of power-accumulation for the already rich. Terrible scenarios arise when a powerful entity disguises itself as many, seemingly unrelated, network participants and uses its power to control the network. Participants would believe they are part of a decentralized network, while actually living in a hidden dictatorship.Problem 2: Blockchains can´t scaleThere are many use-cases in finance, digital identity, smart contracts, token-economy and data-economy which rely heavily on huge amounts of fast tx. This observation implies at least two requirements for the underlying DLT protocol:Being able to process very high tpsFees per tx must be both negligible and predictable or, much preferably, zero (feeless).The fact that real-world adaptation of DLTs is mostly stalling shows, that current protocols cannot yet offer solutions to these requirements. To tackle these problems, some blockchains try to scale and reduce fees by static sharding (for example splitting the main blockchain into 64 smaller blockchains, each with only 1/64 of security), while other focus more on 2nd layer solutions with similar trade-offs.Reality as a social construct – IOTAs leaderless consensusThe IOTA protocol was described as a “blockchain, but without blocks and without chain”. But how can a protocol without any truth-deciding leader protect itself against the most fundamental of all threads, the double-spend attempts?IOTA is a directed acyclic graph (DAG), in which tx don’t run linearly as a chain, but in parallel to each other. Without a leader, each node is equal part of the network and can attach its tx directly to the ledger state – no middle-man needed, no fees to be paid. For this, a node communicates its tx to its neighbouring nodes. These neighbours then forward this change further into the network. Using this gossiping-protocol, the issued tx ripples through the network, until every node has heard of it.​ 1: Overview network-topology of blockchains vs DAGs. Source: problem: Double-spend transcationsBased on this design an immediate problem arises: A node could issue a double-spend tx by telling different neighbouring nodes differing variants of this tx.For example: Node A tells node B that it issues tx1, which transfers tokens from address A to address B. Simultaneously Node A tells node C that it issues tx2, which transfers the same tokens to from address A to address C. Once Node B and Node C gossip, they quickly find out about the double-spend attempt. Tx1 and tx2 cannot be true at the same time. But how can both nodes come to an agreement about which tx came first? For now, both nodes live in objectively different realities, with no way to logically deduce who´s perception is right and who´s is wrong.​ 2: Node A sends conflicting information to nodes B and C. Node B and C will agree, that a double-spend attempt exists, but cannot agree, which tx was first.The parallel-reality based ledger-stateInstead of halting the network until the conflict is resolved (for example by asking every single node in the network about their perception and decide democratically which tx was first. This approach would be slow as hell and would not scale), both nodes keep going with their parallel realities. They gossip their variant of the truth to the network and keep processing other tx as if nothing happened.Constructing reality via on-tangle voting (aka “Multiverse consensus”)How do societies decide how to solve a conflict, if they don’t want to rely on some authoritarian leader? They conduct a democratic vote! The problem is, in a permissionless network like IOTAs Tangle it is impossible to have a classical democratic decision (1 entity = 1 vote), since a malicious entity could simply flood the network with countless nodes to manipulate the vote.The secret sauce here lies in a node-reputation system called “Consensus Mana” (cMana). Nodes earn cMana by attaching value tx to the network. Every node in the network can verify another nodes cMana by checking its recent history of value tx processing.Nodes automatically vote which tx of a double-spend is “the right one”, simply by gossiping their version of reality to other nodes. The double-spend is resolved when 51% of the total cMana in the network approves one version of the double-spend.Example: A double-spend attempt propagates through the network via gossiping.​ 3: A double-spend attempt propagates through the network. Circles represent nodes. Lines represent gossip between nodes. Colors and numbers represent which tx of the double-spend the node saw first.Over time a winner emerges: One of the conflicting tx amasses 51% of all cMana approval behind it. Note: It will not be decided which tx actually came first, but only which one was heard first by nodes holding 51% of cMana. The nodes construct the reality of the network collaboratively.What happens to the nodes, that voted for the losing transaction? Nodes will learn over time that the majority of cMana approves the other tx. Since these nodes are honest and only voted for the losing tx, because it was their objective reality that this tx came first (not because they wanted to cheat), they will now flip their opinion to align with the majority of cMana. The losing tx and all following tx of the same funds are dropped and the network pretends they never happened.​ 4: More than 51% of cMana approves that tx2 was indeed the first tx of the double-spend attempt. All honest nodes that heard about tx1 first will now change their opinion to align with the opinion of the majority of cMana.​ 5: The network agreed on a common reality. Tx1 is dropped and plays no role in the future.Leaderless consensus – true decentralization needs no middle-men and no feesThe IOTA Foundation developed a completely new consensus model that is truly decentralized: No mining- or staking-oligopols decide the fate of the network. Since every node writes its own tx into the Tangle, without any leaders or middle-men, the network runs feeless. Since not all nodes have to agree about the state of reality at all times, the network is fast and scalable (currently 1000+ tps on mainnet, <10s solidification time).Remaining problemsThese recent breakthroughs took years in research, analysis, trial and error on testnets and input from academia and industry and are not fully implemented in any testnet. Currently, the IOTA mainnet is fully centralized, with just one node (the coordinator) deciding over double-spend conflicts.However, the IOTA Foundation recently published the fully decentralized IOTA 2.0 DevNet to showcase their working solutions. The DevNet is not yet feature complete (some modules such as congestion control and dust protection are missing and the current features are still prone to changes). Mainnet decentralization (“Coordicide”) will not happen this year.

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 10:11PM

We Told You Its a Scam: "Dogelon Mars" is down 97,6% from its All Time High Price

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 10:41PM

So, honestly. I know it's an unpopular opinion, but don't you think we may just be repeating the same bounces of 2014 and 2018?

This is not intended to be a FUD post, I swear. Yes, I may be conditioned by the fact I didn't buy as much as I wanted before this rally, I say that for full disclosure, but I am also reviewing the chart quite frequently these last weeks and I'm trying to picture what was in the mind of crypto investors in 2014 and 2018 when there were these two rallies soon after the relative crashes.2014​2018They were probably saying the same things we are saying now, right?To me, these don't seem much different from the one we are experimenting right now:2021Yes, the context is different, there are many more whales now, many financial institutions, etc. and this is a difference that mustn't be overlooked. But really, every single time BTC goes through a bull run it gets a bounce like this. I get that everyone is really excited and I am too for my decent investment, but I have only heard/read bullish comments saying BTC is going to 100k+ no doubt and almost nobody pointing out what I wrote in this post.I am genuinely curious to hear your opinions on the matter - if you agree with what I am suggesting or if you disagree, and if that's the case, why I am wrong. I am totally, 100% open to the possibility that I may be wrong to say that, as I am absolutely not an expert TA.​Now if you want to downvote you're free to do it, just not too much please!

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 08:58PM

[Excel 2.1] I have developed a best cryptocurrency tracking spreadsheet with live crypto price updates features, moon math, history of your Portfolio, trading performance and much more...

This is a spreadsheet that I have developed for myself gradually over a few years. I have found it very helpful for keeping track of my crypto holdings (good for tax purposes). No need to trust third party apps to keep your personal information - track it yourself.There is a lot in here;Automatically updates prices from CoinMarketCap . The top 1000 coins included. Just select which ones you want to track by typing in the ticker symbol.​You can choose your local Fiat currency and get live conversion rates for any fiat currency.​ few more charts because I like charts.​​ has a simple 'regret calculator' to more than satisfy your regret quota for the day​ Link: crypto

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 08:26PM

Finally got to 1ETH !!!

I lived from paycheck to paycheck. Over a half year ago, I stopped smoking and investing all that money every month straight into Crypto.​After 7months of DCA'ing & mining I finally got 1 Ethereum!It's not much for many people but this is a huge milestone for me.

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 08:11PM

I've made an app to track the Price, Circulating Supply and Market Cap of our beloved Moons

As someone who is a hobbyist coder, who never coded something blockchain related, and a moon lover, I said why not. So after 5 headaches, ~37 minutes of cursing, 1 beer and 8 hours of work I can now present to you;​The MoonTrackerThe MoonTracker - Project Files​Made with React, hosted on codesandbox. Currently displaying the price, circulating supply with burns included(I believe) and the market cap. To make it easier to check it you can either bookmark that link in your browser, or save this post and click the link.Using Coingecko's API to fetch Moons price and erc20-contract.js to get the Moons supply from the lately updated contract.​Hit me up if you think I should add more stuff. I'm quite proud because I've never done or attempted something similar, so enjoy!​Future update:- Auto update for numbers- Graphs- More headaches- Moons volume- Probably some new cursing- Moon calendar

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 06:26PM

BTC has had 9-green days in a row three times before. And every single time,it has mooned to the core.

Bitcoin has closed NINE (9) green days in a row.This has only happened three times in the history of Bitcoin.Every time, it was followed by a face-melting bullrun.2012-09-19, Days green: 11Price at time: 12.32Cycle peak: 259.34 (+2005.03%)2013-10-15, Days green: 10Price at time: 142.76Cycle peak: 1163.0 (+714.65%)2015-10-30, Days green: 9Price at time: 328.65Cycle peak: 19666.00 (+5883.87%)2021-07-29, Days green: 9Price at time: 40018.00Cycle peak: Three words,bullish af.Edit: This is never Financial Advice.Just your daily dose of hopium.

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 03:31PM

Bitcoin critic Elizabeth Warren is a virtue-signaling political chameleon and a barefaced hypocrite

Every single line of Bitcoin code written by "shadowy super coders", who contribute their precious time and inspired efforts voluntarily without a guaranteed salary, is open for the whole world to access, scrutinize and propose changes to.However, whose tax dollars keep paying for champagne tree-hugger Elizabeth Warren's shadowy private jet excursions remains shrouded in mystery.Warren hides behind staffer after being caught on camera getting off a private jetNow if we were to pay our taxes in Bitcoin, through a public blockchain, we would be able to tell exactly whose tax money is paying for Warren's climate-destroying charter flights.Corrupt politicians? Bitcoin fixes this.Warren grew up a dyed-in-the-wool Republican. She was registered as a Republican until 1996. Sure, people are allowed to change their minds, even at 50, or perhaps, she recognized that she'd have more political attention and a better political career by preying on populist working-class sensibilities.Throughout her political career, Warren has been funded primarily by big tech, owned by billionaires and beneficiaries of the banking system she continually purports to rail against, although curiously, you will find, to little ultimate effect.During her 2020 presidential campaign, Warren vowed to shun high-dollar fundraising events after transferring $10 million in high-dollar contributions from her 2018 Senate campaign to fund her presidential campaign. She also reversed her position on rejecting super PAC support after realizing that it was hurting her campaign.The Bitcoin code enables humanity to take our economic fate away from the hands of a powerful few and leverage blockchain as an open, trustless, permissionless, decentralized monetary network to democratically create, distribute and exchange value.Bitcoin liberates every man from other men.If Warren had a legitimate interest, as she claims, in dismantling a system that consolidates wealth and power in the hands of a few, she'd be all over Bitcoin.But it's all pretentious parasitism. A ruthless Janus-faced ruse to raise political support from the majority by feigning support for their cause, all the while aided and abetted by the powerful few.The carefully crafted perception that Warren fights for the common man allows her a position of authority she exploits to keep the common man intellectually and rationally credulous to disinformation, furthering furtively the interests of the beneficiaries of the fiat pyramid scheme.Whose hands do we entrust with the fate of our financial system? (H/T Lina Seiche)

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 03:57PM

Mastercard CEO: Mastercard Has to Be in the Cryptocurrency Space because the People Demand it

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 05:55AM

The second half of this bull market will be intense

Could it be that all along we have been in a mid-cycle price correction?It never really felt like we were entering a bear market and that it was the end of the bull run.Here are some reasons why we could be on the cusp of entering the second half of this bull run.The crypto market has been in a state of either fear or extreme fear for the past few months, but it looks like greener pastures are ahead according to Crypto's 'The Fear & Greed Index' which finally took Crypto outside of the fear zone and into green/greed territory. Crypto Fear & Greed Index - Bitcoin Sentiment - AlternativeThe crypto market cap has increased by $450 Billion in a little over a week; It stood at $1.25 Trillion on the 20th of July and it is now sitting at $1.7 Trillion: Cryptocurrency Global Charts ( Total Value Locked in Defi has also been accumulating, going from $55 Billion on July 20 to $69 Billion today: DeFi Pulse - The Decentralized Finance LeaderboardBitcoin broke the 42k barrier today after being stuck between 29k - 32k for quite some time; CoinGecko: Cryptocurrency Prices and Market CapitalizationLong Term BTC Holders control 75% of the bitcoin supply & are accumulating at a rapid pace while the supply on exchanges is decreasing, previous bull runs have been ignited by similar conditions: - sellers expected to cover positions, which could lead to higher prices next week; market cap has been green for 10 consecutive days;​Edit: I am adding the following bullish news, thanks to u/itachiwriting/ and u/ProfessionalLion_/In 5 days Ethereum will undergo its London Hard Fork upgrade; containing 5 improvement proposals that will optimize and improve the cryptocurrency; plans to allow institutional funds to invest billions of dollars in crypto assets for the first time; grows closer to launching smart contracts with new testnet; Cardano smart contracts creep toward full launch

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 08:13AM

Bitcoin Shoots $42,000 As $45 Billion Asset Manager GoldenTree Starts Buying

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 09:06AM

Is BTC Pulling a 2013 on Us? (Some Hopium)

It's July of 2013. If you bought anywhere near the peak in April, things were looking pretty depressing, with losses as large as 70% and what seemed to be a slow, steady grind downward. A lot of people closed out their position, giving up. Here's the daily chart:2013 BTC Chart to JulyIf you hung around 'till October, you got a few more months of crab movement. August showed some positive recovery, but at the start of October, everything dumped in a day. You're still down 70%-ish if you held from the peak, but emotionally, you might be even further down, because all the painstakingly slow recovery had dumped so quickly and you didn't have any confidence the next day wouldn't be worse.2013 BTC chart to OctBut if you waited another month, you would've caught a ride up 340% from the earlier peak! And if you bought any of that dip, you would be looking at 1400% growth. Look how tiny that April peak looks in retrospect!2013 BTC chart to NovSo next let's look at today's chart. I've left some blank space for your mind to fill in the hopium:2021 BTC Chart with Blank Space for HopiumCan you see the parabolic green line that could happen, like it did in 2013 (and 2017)? Do you see the hopium rocket primed for lift off? I know I'm not really saying anything new here, but thought it might be useful to look at the 2013 charts as if you were living them then, like you are now. In retrospect, to those who aren't a part of it, it looks so easy. Like you just punch a ticket and get rich. But when you're living through it with your money on the line, it's actually months of torment. You've gotten to experience the torment (2021 edition), don't miss out on the payoff.And of course, usual disclaimers apply: this is not financial advice, do your own research, don't invest more than you can afford to lose, yadda yadda yadda.

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 08:19AM

We’re launching a scaling network for Moons!

TL;DR Moons are moving to a new scaling network today! This is a critical step forward in bringing them to the Ethereum mainnet.We expect the migration to the scaling network will take several hours. During this time, you will not be able to use Moons. We will update this post when the migration is complete.If you have Moons in your Vault, you don’t need to do anything. They should be transferred over seamlessly. If you have moved Moons out of the Vault, see the instructions below for how to transfer them to the new network after the migration is complete.***Update (7/29): Sharing some links here for the new scaling network:If you have Moons in a non-Vault wallet, here is the migration tool to move them to the scaling network.To see transactions in the new network, use the L2 block explorer (other block explorers connected to Rinkeby won't show transactions anymore, since they are happening on a different layer).For developers who want to work with the new L2 network, here is an JSON RPC endpoint (chain ID is 5391184)Update (7/23): We've finished migrating Moons over to their new home. If you have Moons in your Vault, you should be able to see and use them now. In the meantime, we are putting the finishing touches on the tool to migrate Moons from other wallets, which we will share here on Monday.Update (7/23): Migration of Moons has begun. They will be unavailable during this process. We will update here when it is complete.Update (7/22): We've launched the scaling network successfully today. We plan to start migrating Moons there tomorrow, and we expect there will be some downtime during that process. We will update here with progress.***Hi r/CryptoCurrency!Ever since we launched Moons a year ago, we’ve been blown away by the love you’ve shown them, and we’ve been working hard to figure out how to grow them even further.As many of you know, scaling has been a big problem in the blockchain space, and it’s a major challenge we’ve been working on for Moons. Today, we are excited to launch a new scaling network for Moons built on Arbitrum technology! We will be testing it on top of the Rinkeby testnet before migrating to the Ethereum mainnet.We will be migrating Moons to the new network through today, and we expect it may take several hours. During this time, you will not be able to use Moons. We will update this post when the migration is complete.If your Moons are in your Vault, they should be transferred over seamlessly in the migration. While we recommend using the Vault built into the Reddit app to store Moons, we realize some people might have moved their Moons to other wallets (software & hardware). If you have Moons somewhere other than the Vault, you will be able to use a tool to transfer them to the scaling network after the migration is complete. We will update this post with a link to the tool when it is ready.As part of this scaling launch, we’ve also made a few other upgrades to Moons. You’ll notice transactions happen much faster, and once you’ve created a Vault, you won’t have to keep claiming Moons every month. They’ll just show up in your Vault like magic!Today’s launch is a big step forward, but our work is far from done. Our goal is to cross the chasm to mainstream adoption by bringing millions of users to blockchain. If you are a top-notch engineer who wants to build a more decentralized Internet at Reddit-level scale, we want to work with you! No crypto experience required. To learn more about our team and our project, apply on that link or shoot me a PM, I’d love to talk to you.As always, we’re very excited to be working with all of you as we take Moons to the next level. Thanks for all your support, and see you on the moon!

Submitted July 23, 2021 at 12:12AM

Pro-tip: If you ever attain significant wealth, and actively plan to use crypto out in the wild, have 2 burner wallets.

DO NOT walk around with your 6 or 7 figures wallet on your phone. For the love of God buy a hardware wallet, or other form of cold storage.Reason for the 2 fake wallets: If anyone out in the world knows or even thinks you may have Bitcoin or crypto on your person, they'll know what it's potentially worth. They hold you up, they know what they're doing, and demand passphrases. You give them one that is an obvious burner, with low amounts. They get wise and ask for your whole balance. Enter fake wallet number 2. You get off easy. Hell, make a 3rd one. But 2 should suffice.*edit: grammar

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 07:24AM

$100 million shorts liquidated in the last hour

Nearly $100 million shorts have been liquidated over the last hour ( leading to the large rise in price. BTC is heading towards its 10th daily green candle. I went back as far as Dec 2013 and couldn’t see any 10 daily green candle consecutively (correct me if I’m wrong). We could be making history tonight and we’ll all be apart of that.Edit: as pointed out the highest is actually 13 candles back in December 2011, 11 candles back in September 2012 and an another 10 candle movement in Oct 2013. (I’ve checked these on the BITSTAMP chart)

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 04:10AM

32% of Nigerians have Interacted with Crypto in the Last Year, Using it to Bypass the Corrupt and Expensive Nigerian Financial System

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 05:52AM

Bitcoin and Ethereum Primed To Explode in August

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 05:20AM

Daily Discussion - July 31, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.Disclaimer:Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.Rules:All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language.Comments will be sorted by newest first.Useful Links:Beginner ResourcesIntro to r/Cryptocurrency MOONs 🌔MOONs Wiki Pager/CryptoCurrency Discordr/CryptoCurrencyMemesPrior Daily Discussionsr/CryptoCurrencyMeta - Join in on all meta discussions regarding r/CryptoCurrency whether it be moon distributions or governance.

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 07:00AM

A thread of *just fucking don’t*

Don’t take a screenshot of your seeds. Can’t believe I need to say that.Don’t write it somewhere casually and get to it eventuallyDon’t tell anyone it, even if they’re in a support chat and you’re sure they work for Binance.Don’t leverage, I know you think you’re smart, but don’t do that.Don’t go ass to pussy, once you’ve moved on to butt hole — you’ve committed. UTI’s kill.Don’t click links in your DM’s, I trust you to talk to people but don’t lose your mind and fall for dumb shit.If you get an email from an exchange asking you to do something or telling you about something, open your exchange independently, clicking links and signing in is recklessDon’t take out a loan to buy crypto, it’s risky enough without involving payday loans. It’s why we don’t skydive holding alligators. Risk quota achieved already.Don’t do your crypto research all in one place, especially coin specific subs or apps meant for preteen girl’s to learn choreography.There’s more but these are the absolute basics, if I get too in depth we’ll end up in a debate about the few times it can pan out.

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 05:05AM

Blow this up!


Submitted July 31, 2021 at 03:24AM

My parents told me not to invest in crypto because it was risky, I showed them this graph and they changed their mind

For context I live in Argentina, our cumulative inflation rate has been over 9.000% in the last 21 years. Last year alone it was around 50%, this year it's projected to be 60% or more.This is how our currency has performed against the US dollar this last year: (take into account it's a logarithmic scale to show porcentual changes)​Argentine Peso/DollarAs you can see the rate of return is not very good. Our currency is literally a shitcoin, losing value every single week (take into account the dollar also loses value). I really think our economy could use ICP as a currency and we would even be better off haha.Anyways I wanted to share that. I can't stress the similarities enough (huge deficit, unsustainable debt) that have taken us to this point, but I also seem to see in the US, so buy assets that will safe guard you from inflation such as this.I also wanted to mention that it's illegal to buy foreign currency (dollars) so stablecoins and BTC have had a great impact by allowing the average person to save.Thanks for coming to my TED talkEdit: anyways my dad keeps thinking crypto is a scam and that we are in a bubble

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 12:34AM

Regardless if you view moons as a shitcoin or not, we have to give it up to reddit for making it easier for the average person to aquire some crypto.

They help with adoption. They help people who aren't quite computer literate having an easier time getting into crypto. It's as simple as DL Reddit app, join the sub activate the vault and all the work is done for you after that.I myself am very knowledgeable, I started programming 28 years ago. Even so it was tedious the first time trying to buy with all the verifications, long Pws, PKs etc. I can easily see how this would make the average Joe a bit ... apathetic?So I have to give it up to reddit on this one centralized or not.Regardless of where this goes as far as price, it's helping people adopt crypto, and that helps the price on whatever other crypto you're holding. It boosts the entire market.

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 01:58AM

BitBoy banned again!

In yet another twist to the shady history of BitBoy’s channel it appears that he has yet again been banned from YouTube for the second time this week!.YouTube do not just terminate crypto channels without evidence that the channel is in violation of the rules.Another reminder that this guy is a piece of shit who preys on the very people who support him, he makes baseless claims about projects to shill his bags and you should always take whatever crypto YouTubers say with a pinch of salt. Coin Bureau is the only source of crypto YouTube that I would recommend to people.

Submitted July 31, 2021 at 12:15AM

So, my boss is not giving me a raise anymore because I invest in crypto

What an awful Friday, bad enough to ruin the entire weekend. I feel like this is the only community that can understand the stupidity of the situation.Today was one of the rare days when I meet my boss in the office (due to smart working) and we work together.We usually discuss many random topics to pass the time but today my tongue slipped and I mentioned that I'm investing in Crypto. His response was pretty much (translated to english):"Are you seriously buying crypto? That's what you're doing with the money that we're paying you? (...) I don't think I can still consider your salary raise request since your current salary is good enough for you to gamble it away."What the hell is wrong with some people, why is investing in crypto such a controversial topic? Where is this stigma coming from? I wish I could have told him the way Ethereum is changing the world at least, but he's not someone you argue with... This is the kind of shit I'm trying to free myself from with my investments.Sorry for venting, but I just have nobody in real-life that supports/understands crypto, not even in my family. Most people would tell me that he's right.

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 10:51PM

10 years of hating Bitcoin on Reddit. Let's look back on the predictions of anti-Bitcoiners

I can't believe everyone forgot!This month the infamous anti-Bitcoin sub called r/buttcoin turned 10.An entire decade of amazing predictions about the downfall of Bitcoin.Let's take a look back at all their past claims and where they are today:-"Bitcoin will crash below $200 (what is being said every year since the past 4 years)" Very close guys, but it's bouncing around $39K right now.-"Bitcoin will eventually be worth its real value- $0". Not looking like it will happen this year. And as long as you have a few people in the world still running Bitcoin and still exchanging it, it will never be 0.-"No one will be accepting Bitcoin". More than 15,000 retailers accept direct Bitcoin transactions. And now with Paypal and crypto cards, that number is almost limitless. (1)-"No one is using crypto for payments". While the number of transactions has increased, no one really knows how much is used for retail transactions. But according to a BitPay survey, 57% of crypto holders and former crypto holders, have used crypto for a retail purchase in the past year. (2)-"Bitcoin has no intrinsic value". It has no physical intrinsic value, but it's the gold standard of an entire tech industry. It's backed by an entire industry of businesses, real world usage, institutions, and technology. Something bigger than a country. And it may not be backed by anything physical to make you trust it. But it's backed by something more solid than rocks: math.-"Tether is the only reason the price of Bitcoin goes up, and it will destroy Bitcoin". While Tether is shady and obviously full of shit, it probably won't tank the price of Bitcoin if it ever gets delisted. There's now many stablecoin alternatives. And we've already seen what happens to the market when a top 5 coin gets delisted, when XRP got delisted from major exchanges. Also 2 Berkley professors have already proven that Tether isn't what causes the price of Bitcoin to go up. (3)-"You will never get your 'institutional investors', that's a pipe dream". Welcome to 2021 and our pipe dream.-"Bitcoin will be banned". It's been tried, it's been done. To no success. If it was gonna be banned successfully, it would have been done already. It's going to be harder now that there's more adoption, acceptance, more citizen holding it, and more importantly, an increasing number of powerful rich people, businesses, and institutions invested in it now. With an increasing number of powerful and influential people with a stake in it, it's just not likely to happen now.-"Bitcoin is a ponzi". Just because you want to sell something for more than you paid, doesn't make it a Ponzi. By definition a Ponzi would need a company or person at the top. Bitcoin is a peer to peer network with no person or company in control. By definition it's also subversive scheme, selling a fake stock that they don't own, and not upfront about what it's doing, with no transparency. Bitcoin is one of the most transparent things.-"No country is ever going to accept Bitcoin as its currency". Oops...El Salvador.-"Bitcoin is just a fad and will die out". It's been 10 years. And it's going stronger than ever. Can't wait for another decade of r/Buttcoin giving us some brilliant predictions.Maybe it's time to trade those bags of salt for bags of crypto.References:(1)

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 10:56PM

Please, for the love of god, STOP creating more useless tokens.

I'm getting tired of it.Sure, it's good that it's easy to create a token of your liking and instantly launch and connect it to your new project.But do we honestly need five-hundred different doggy coins, then five-hundred baby-doggy coins and baby-baby-doggy coins?! I am surprised no one was brave enough to create "Baby Bitcoin" yet... ha, just kidding. Of course it already exists.And you know how it goes. Ridiculously cheap, no whitepaper, some "yield farming", 99% burned tokens, and a stolen UI interface like some doggy coins did to cover up that they're no more than a stupid scam. With insane promises of tripling your investment, of course.Just, why, why do y'all keep doing this?! Stop. Please.Of course I know why this is happening. You want to make a quick buck, but seriously, there has to be another way. For the love of god, just don't waste precious energy, time, resources and your life on creating more useless tokens.It's stupid. At least connect it to some valuable product, like your physical store, your blog or give them out to your friends for shits and giggles but don't make "babybitcoindogeshibamoon" and give it a 99 billion coins where you burn 90% to hide how much you yourself really hold in comparison to others. It's just shitty behaviour.Rant's over.

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 08:44PM

Bought my first 10$ worth of ETH (Namibia)

Hi everyone,For some background - I’ve been looking into Crypto for a while now and decided it’d be a good idea to start buying ETH and BTC and HODLing. However, being that I am in Namibia, I wasn’t able to purchase from any exchanges since the banks kept blocking the purchases. I tried so many and finally got one to work.So just wanted to share my happiness of owning 0.00403582 ETH lol.I’ll be buying every payday going forward and diversifying my portfolio.

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 08:50PM

Today I Grew Up. 😂

Today I traded all my Safemoon for XRP and ADA.I feel like I just graduated 👨‍🎓 in some ways. When I bought my Safemoon I had no idea what the cryptocurrency market was like and what was a good coin.I had held onto my initial investment in Safemoon for several months. But now realized I was slowly losing money 📉and if I would invest that into another coin were either sat there and had a potential of growing 📈I would be much smarter.Instead of watching pump videos on YouTube, I have switched to educational investing videos and channels.I wanted to post my progress somewhere, but knew if I posted it in their group I would be crucified. Hope you guys don’t mind me sharing.Edit: I have a fairly diversified portfolio with many of the coins you all are mentioning. As I educated myself I started investing in other projects that had some backing to them or I believed in what they were trying to solve. The key point this was I sold my Safemoon.

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 07:02PM

6 years ago, Ξthereum was officially released on this day, July 30. To celebrate, I've dug out 5 interesting facts about the platform

To celebrate this monumental day for all of cryptocurrency, I wanted to share five facts that I found interesting about the platform. Cheers to the team for all your work and contributions to this space!The symbol for Ξther is ΞThe Ξther symbol ( Ξ ) is the uppercase of 'Xi' (lowercase ξ).Xi is the 14th letter of the Greek alphabet. It is pronounced in Modern Greek, and generally /ˈzaɪ/ or /ˈsaɪ/ in English. In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of 60 (source)).The first discussion I found as one of the first posts in their subreddit (reddit won't allow me to link it). I'm not sure whether this led to the actualization of the symbol, or even if it is the official symbol.We can thank Blizzard's centralized management for ΞthereumVitalik's interest in cryptocurrencies and decentralized systems as a whole bloomed back in his World of Warcraft playing days. To this he says, "one day Blizzard removed the damage component from my beloved warlock's Siphon Life spell. I cried myself to sleep, and on that day I realized what horrors centralized services can bring. I soon decided to quit."He then went on to discover Bitcoin and explore the space, leading to creation of Ξthereum. Or at least that's the 'story' behind it. Recently, he clarified in a reddit post that "it was a joke. Or rather, that experience with WoW that I had was 100% real, but the idea that the WoW experience specifically led to a decade-long bloodlust against centralization is a joke."Ξthereum was a crowdfunded projectWhen Vitalik had the idea of Ξthereum he did not have enough resources to make his idea a reality. ICOs weren't really a thing back in 2013 so instead he turned to group funding to get capital for the project. His project was successful in online public sale in July-August 2014. The program was completed and delivered by July 30, 2015. The rest is history!Ξthereum is not the unit of cryptocurrency; Ξther isΞthereum is the platform and Ξther is the currency so instead of saying something like, "I want to purchase 1 Ξthereum," or "I bought Ξthereum"; the correct way to say it is, "I want to purchase 1 Ξther" or "I bought Ξther."This is obvious to most in the Ξthereum community but I don't think it's common knowledge in general crypto forums like this subreddit.Ξthereum's ticker could have been ETR (or even XET)In 2014, Vitalik posted a topic on the Ξthereum forum, "ETH or ETR". The topic was about the abbreviation or ticker they were going to adopt moving forward. It could've even been 'XET' as one user, Mike says, "or ISO standards, XET might be better if it is still available. Non national currencies like XAU - gold, XAG - silver, XRP - Ripple, begin with X."The argument for ETR was so that it better reflects the currency name, Ξther. In the end, I think this last comment sold the deal, "ETH rolls off the tongue more naturally, as with the sound in breath ( the first syllable in Ξthereum) and as such is more comfortable and organic than ETR".​So that's it! Five facts about Ξthereum. I hope you learned a thing or two, I certainly did. Special thanks to the Wayback Machine, it's such a gift for us legacy explorers.​* This post is a repost of an earlier version that got deleted due to cursed limitations on "your post has been removed because there are already 4 posts about Ξthereum in the top 50." Hence, the use of "Ξ" instead of "E".

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 07:09PM

Moment of silence for folks like me who bought ICP at $750

Just thought I’d come here to say I’m one or the people that bought close to the top and it sucked. I guess that’s why we’re supposed to do our own research. Just wanted to come here and say you’re not alone. But Hopefully we can all heal and recover.

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 06:38PM

Bitcoin Whales Acquire Staggering $5,200,000,000 in Bitcoin in Just 28 Days

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 06:51PM

Massive Outflows See Bitcoin Exchange Balances Plummet to 2018 Levels

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 03:44PM

9 days of green candles means a (hopefully) small pullback

Bitcoin and the crypto market at whole has made a hell of a run over these past 9 days, erasing a lot of losses. Sentiment has turned around suddenly and we're seemingly in the midst of a huge recovery. Obviously, no one has a clue what comes next, but even if we're on course for round 2 of the bull market then we will probably see some pullback.My point here is this:Don't panic!In a healthy market, we'll move up and down. Hopefully we make more ups than downs. However, after 9 days of gains, we've almost certainly got a few dips coming. With a huge correction behind us, people's nerves will be frayed. Don't let it get to you.Just look how fast it all changes: I wake up tomorrow and see a big red candle, I won't be worried. If it happens the next day, it won't bug me. Hopefully that'll be the little rest before the next big green candle and many more to come.Stay strong. Be ready. Prep those diamond hands.

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 03:51PM

113k BTC net outflow from exchanges yesterday. Largest ever single day outflow

BTC net exchange outflows shows how much BTC is getting withdrawn from exchanges to hard wallets/private wallets.Exchange balance dropped suddenly on Wednesday after 65,000 BTC was withdrawn at the same time BTC touched 41k. Most of the withdrawals was from Coinbase and Binance. This was the highest single day outflow since 2016.Then yesterday the all-time record for single day outflows was smashed as 113k BTC was withdrawn. Almost 100k BTC was withdrawn from Kraken.Exchange balances suddenly going down causes massive spike in demand as the supply goes down.Check live exchange balances here - Bitcoin closes with a green candle today then it will be 10 straight green candles, an all-time record.

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 01:41PM

Why does nobody up votes posts? All they do is flood it with comments.

It's a little disheartening when you create a piece of information you find would be very valuable and nobody seems to care about it? They flood it with comments and don't even care to up vote the post.If all your doing is commenting to try and get moons, wouldn't up voting the post be exactly what you want to do so your comment you left can get seen by more people as well.Because of this happening, quality posts get lost instantly and I bet a lot of people don't even bother creating great content cause it won't go anywhere

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 02:27PM

The Balls This Man Has: Found this article from 2016. He elected to get paid in Bitcoins since it was $20-$30ea

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 10:36AM

Please don’t let this place become Wall Street Bets.

I apologise for the rant. I know this is an Internet forum - but to many of us, this is truly a community. A community that has been around for a long time, where bonds have been made, and people, friends even, have gone through the ups and down of this wild wild crypto ride for a long long time.Since moons, well, mooned - we’ve had a huge influx of newcomers join. And that’s great. More people means more opinions means more constructive discussions and different perspectives. If a community never grew, neither would our minds, and discussions would quickly stagnate.And I get it. You realise members of this sub can earn actual crypto, with real-life value. So why shouldn’t you do too? It’s free, it’s worth money - what more can anyone ask for?But please, and this goes out to all newcomers: before you start spamming low quality shitposts, the same “news” links over and over from low tier news sources, and the same self-stories that have been over-flooding other subs (I swear some of you don’t even bother paraphrasing it even the tiniest bit) - take the time to read the rules, and learn - at least the tiniest bit - the etiquette of this community. Shit, at least the scope of this community.Over the last week I’ve witnessed a baffling increase of:​Crappy links from bottom tier news sources predicting X price for this by eow, eom or eoy. Posted over and over again.Comment sections full of people talking about how ‘crypto is just great for buying drugs’Posts that have nothing to do with crypto. I get it - RobbingHood had their IPO and it tanked. One post is enough. If you want to discuss their stock - there are plenty of dedicated communities for that - stock discussions.Posts about “fighting the hedgies”Posts about short squeezing Bitcoin.Posts about Wall Street bad, hating Wall Street, and now Jordan Belfort says this, predicts that.Random shilling of actual shitcoins (I mean r/cryptomoonshoots level shitcoins).And this is just out the top of my head.​If you enter someone’s home, you wouldn’t shit all over their carpet? If you meet people from different backgrounds, you wouldn’t shit all over their culture? You would adapt to their ways, or at the very least take them into consideration? Right?Crypto is a beautiful, fascinating and truly magical thing. There is so much to learn, so much to discover, so much to build, and so much to discuss. And this community, and its members, hold so much knowledge. If you’re interested in something very particular, don’t understand something, curious about something - just ask! If you found some cool information, made an analysis, whipped up an infographic, have some breaking news - share it!But at the very least, keep it focused on crypto.Moons are cool - and eventually, they will come to you. There is no need to spam garbage. As with anything in crypto, patience is the key.Take the time to learn, to inform yourself, to grow your passion and your newly found interest. Educate yourself. Inform yourself. Become a member of the community. Don’t be that guy.So please, let’s keep this wonderful sub just that - wonderful - together, as a community. Don’t turn this into Wall Street Bets or Satoshi Street Bets. Don't let this sub turn to shit.Thank you for reading.- A tired and irritated cheeseburgerEdit: I am aware I shit on my own point by using the self-story flair. But at fault of there being no other fitting flair, that's the way it will have to be :pEdit 2: I am by no means shitting on WallstreetBets, or any other sub. I enjoy lurking there too. I enjoy the shittalk there too. But this is a Cryptocurrency sub, so let’s try, together, to keep it that way.Edit 3: If you want to be more involved, please also head over to r/CryptoCurrencyMeta and vote on polls.

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 06:50AM

The first time we have hit 9 consecutive green days since 2013.

Edit: I seem to have made a mistake, the last time we saw 9 consecutive green days was in 2015. This marked the end of the bear market and saw btc go up from $250 to $20000 in the following bull run.The last time we saw 10 consecutive green days was in 2013. Right before bitcoin soared from $100 to $1100.The highest amount of consecutive green days was in 2012, with 11 days. In the months after btc went from around $10 to $250.The signs are incredibly bullish.

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 07:19AM

Bankers who said Crypto would be a Ponzi Scheme got Caught Promoting a Ponzi Scheme themselves with Millions of Dollar Investor Loses

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 06:24AM

A $1,000 Investment in Ethereum 5 Years Ago Would Be Worth $195,000 Today. How much will it be 5 Years from now?

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 02:13AM

Daily Discussion - July 30, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.Disclaimer:Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.Rules:All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language.Comments will be sorted by newest first.Useful Links:Beginner ResourcesIntro to r/Cryptocurrency MOONs 🌔MOONs Wiki Pager/CryptoCurrency Discordr/CryptoCurrencyMemesPrior Daily Discussionsr/CryptoCurrencyMeta - Join in on all meta discussions regarding r/CryptoCurrency whether it be moon distributions or governance.

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 07:00AM

The first feature-length documentary about Ethereum has raised over 1000 ETH and is going ahead. Ethereum: The Infinite Garden

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 10:54PM

I bought $500 of meme coins / shit coins from Reddit WEEK #2 UPDATE

First postFor my own personal entertainment only.So I bought 5 meme coins for $100 each to find out whether these comedic coins are gonna survive the long run or not.I didn't do any further research, I only ruled out the obvious rug pulls and selected those 5 BSC tokens based on popularity in the past few days, weeks. These are SafeMoon, Useless Token, Thoreum, Ping and CleanOcean.​WEEK #2 UPDATE​PING skyrocketedWOOoooo I did not expect any profit at all. Thanks to Sonar (PING) I doubled my money. I'm not selling since this experiment is supposed to show what new, young would investors see.Also, I did not replace SafeMoon and the update was late too because I was on a vacation.Also, also, Sonar bots found my last post, calling me out for considering PING a shit coin. And you know what? I didn't do any research (because that's the point) and I don't care.​Don't take this image seriously.

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 03:02AM

Reminder after Robinhood IPOed today. Move your funds out of Robinhood. You don't own your coins, robinhood does. They also have a history of blocking sellers when the prices rally.

If you bought any crypto through Robinhood, you are simply betting on the price of the coin. You DON'T have a wallet nor can you transfer funds out of it without liquidating everything (also causing a tax liability for most people).​The reason we buy crypto is because we don't need banks to manage our funds and have full control over our assets. When you use Robinhood you are literally doing the opposite of that.

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 03:32AM

Today marks one month

Today marks one month since I quit smoking and put all the money into crypto. If I can do it you can do it.Seeing the money add up over the month has given me more joy and happiness than any cigarette I’ve ever had. Pack/ pack and half some times a day.If you are in the boat I was in jump out the water is warm and your close to the shore.Sorry wanted to share this moment with some people as I don’t have anyone close. I’m pretty proud of myself for this.

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 02:50AM

Robinhood’s IPO tanks - screwing over its customers who bought the stock pre-IPO AGAIN

Submitted July 30, 2021 at 12:03AM

Institutional interest in Bitcoin is on the rise, BTC may test $50,000. Let the Insto Fomo commence.

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 08:35PM

Crypto Whales Suddenly Move $2,740,000,000 in Bitcoin Within Minutes

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 09:48PM

My newest hobby: Reporting IG influencers for Shitcoin Scams

influencers shilling shitcoins is nothing new, but it's gotten to a point where i really just cant deal with their scumminess. i'm not sure if my reports actually do anything, but every time i see someone pushing some shitcoin saying that "let's go to the moon!!" or "growing like crazy, get on it now!", i click the extra steps on every single one of their stories to report as a scam. a bit petty, but fuck these people for contributing to rug pulls.not sure if it would violate any rules, but i also wouldn't be opposed to creating a list of accounts that are known to shill - there should be consequences for being a con artist.

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 11:05PM

Free college level MIT course on the subject of cryptocurrency and economics

There is a free semester on college level available about blockchain technology, cryptocurrency and economics in general. You can search for “blockchain and money MIT” and follow this course for free, which I can highly recommend. I thought I knew something about this subject we are all in togeher, but still got across a bunch of new points to discover. It takes some time to get through it all. Some keypoints for what you are going to find:20+ video lectures, 1+ hour eachDelving into blockchain technology, cryptocurrency and economics in generalTaught by Gary Gensler, former investment banker and government official and teaching at MIT Sloan School of ManagementTranscript and lecture slides available

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 08:04PM

Want Moons to be a qualitycoin instead of a shitcoin? Make an effort to upvote and post quality instead of shit.

Note: I originally posted this a few days ago but it was removed because Moon price was spiking and the mods said I should try posting again once things settled down a bit and there are less than two Moon posts in the top 50 (which is the case right now at the time I am posting this).Folks, we as a community are the guinea pigs of Reddit's beta community points system. As things stand currently, many of us are quite happy to simply fulfill our roll as guinea pigs and push the post or comment or upvote button to receive another pellet of Moon to much on. It floods our mammalian brains with certain neurotransmitters that makes us feel happy. Reddit corporate accumulates this data, feeds it to their stockholders, and says... see! The specimens are acting accordingly and the data shows we are going to increase our corporate revenues this quarter, so let's roll out community points across all popular subs!Now, there's two ways we can go with this. We can fulfill our low-level instant gratification desires and keep thinking of Moons the same way people think of other shitcoins currently, or we can decide as a community to actually try to make Moons mean something more significant than just a virtual speculative asset with no other function. But how can we make Moons into something more than just a speculative asset filled with shitposts, upon which at some point the bubble will burst and the shit will rain down upon all greedily staring up at said shit-filled bubble?The answer lies in building a community that supports actual value in the karma it gives, and not just chasing short-term gratification. A community that thinks carefully about the upvotes and downvotes it gives and in the posts we choose to reach the top and personify the subreddit. A community that takes governance polls and user-based roles in this semi-democratically run community seriously, continually suggesting ways to improve the health of the community for the good of all, and does its best to help educate and encourage others to avoid just picking all the low-hanging shitposting fruit and instead put more value in the difficult to reach but more valuable fruit up top. If we do these things, we as a community help shape the inherent value of a Moon beyond just another shit-filled speculative asset, and into something whose value is foundationally built on a strong community belief in quality, comraderie, and effort.Aiming to maximize Moon gains with the least amount of effort possible and not actually caring what direction the community heads is one way to go, but it is very short sighted and will the value of a Moon in the long run. Don't let short term gratification allow Moons to turn into just another shitcoin pump and dump. Let's do it the right way, and build a community and coin with strong foundational elements that can actually put meaning and value behind it. If we carry on with the commonly expressed mentality that "More shitpost = more Moon", the equation will come to fruition and it will turn into "Moon = shit". Let's stop that from happening, and instead put the work in to get the community to adopt the attitude of "More quality post = more Moon", so we can then shape the future to be "Moon = quality".

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 08:53PM

Let me explain how the mass downvoting, bots, karma, and moon farming work, and where this sub is heading.

The Future:If you want to see where this sub is heading. Simply look at the rest of Reddit.Moons haven't fundamentally changed anything. They have the same effect as karma points, maybe just more amplified and a little more greed-driven with the monetary incentive added. But the farming is not new, and it's all the same mechanism.If you look around Reddit, it's not always quality content that gets the most votes and visibility. It's popularity. And there's always the same handful of topics that keep getting the most votes, along with whatever meme and fad is going on at the time.That's the future of Moons. It's not gonna be so much a reward for quality but popularity.The more new people we have, the more it's gonna skew towards popularity. But don't worry, you'll still get upvotes for quality. And there will be people like me handing you awards, and downvoting populist garbage to try to even things out.The karma:There's a common misconception that karma = upvotes. That's not the case. We know karma is not 1:1 with votes, we just don't know the numbers. It's done with an algorithm. Reddit favors upvotes over downvotes. So downvotes don't weigh as much. Voting manipulation is also clamped down in your karma. Unbalanced users who heavily downvote, or heavily upvote, may have their votes weigh less.And the more votes a post gets, the less those votes weigh. So 100 upvotes may get you close to 100 karma. But 20,000 upvotes may only get you under 6,000 karma:​ Downvotes:Because moon distribution is based on karma and not upvotes, a lot of those nasty downvote bots and mass downvoters don't actually get counted. So we are pretty safe from downvotes, even if we can't see it.You may see your posts get a lot of 0 and -1, but your karma may actually be well into the positives. Ever noticed distributions like the last one, where the downvoting was really heavy handed, yet got a lot more karma than expected? You can thank the Reddit algorithm for that.Mass downvoters weigh very little on your karma. And it works too with voting manipulation of people upvoting their own posts, or small groups of people upvoting each other.That's why it's not a good idea to replace the karma system for Moons, for a system that only counts upvotes, as some proposals have tried to do. Because then there's no algorithm anymore to stop voting manipulation.edit: while downvotes are probably not affecting karma as much as many people think, they are stil an issue for post visibility. That's why it's a good idea to check NEW for good quality posts, and help those with awards. Awards don't count towards Moons, but help with visibility.Who are the downvoters:In this part I don't have a lot of facts. I'm gonna get more into speculation, so take it with a pinch of salt.If you're wondering where the downvoting comes from, it's probably not bots. People who were here last November will probably know what bots downvoting looks like. Every single comment in the daily is in the negatives, with half of them being -5 or more. It's possible that bots may have been more discrete now. But why use a bot just to downvote in small quantities.The downvoting probably comes in big part from brigading. There's a lot of maximalist subs that hates this sub. Many are aware of our moons and think they can downvote them away. Safemoon has a serious grudge against us, because we keep mentioning they are a scam. And they frequently talk about us. And there have been posts on there for brigading this sub. Others like Shiba army hates us for the same reason. The increase in downvote seem to have also coincided with the drop of Doge.Another source of downvoters comes from people from our sub. And for the Daily Discussion, it seems to come from a group who use mostly just the main page. Some of them have expressed a degree of contempt for the Daily. Even trying to push proposals targeting people in the Daily. Their aim is to reduce the karma earned there, so they can get a bigger share of the distribution with their posts. There is an easy way to moon farm on there by just copy and pasting links every day. And the karma earned by the big activity in the Daily gets in the way of that.Moon FarmingMoon participation is not the same thing as moon farming. The term moon farming is now being used for anyone who is just participating a lot. When moon farming was originally designating people who use more subversive methods, like plagiarized content, even reposting other users popular posts, fake sob stories, or heavily commenting and posting links. And anything like easy moon farming techniques, like complaining about downvotes and claiming they are upvoting every posts.Moon farming is not gonna go away. It's part of the sub now. So it's something we'll have to accept.Votes aren't gonna be enough to stop them, since they are subversive about it, and will even post popular topics. There is a the 1K post limit, and the 15K karma limit that keep them from having too big of an effect on the distribution. There is probably still a need to limit number of comments, and also stop counting karma for deleted posts. It's too easy for them to repost popular links, memes, etc, that will get a lot of upvotes, and get deleted much later. But they keep the karma, and keep on spamming that stuff.I think in the future some degree of moon farming will be accepted. It's more of the moon farming that goes too far that will need to be dealt with.

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 09:46PM

Bitcoin records largest single-day Exchange outflow in 1-year as BTC price breach $40K

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 05:35PM

9 straight green days hasn't happened in at least 4 years

For real this time. Yes, I actually went and checked rather than just coming here to say it. There have been several instances of 8 but not a single one of 9 days straight all the way back to 08/17/17, which is as far as I can go on Binance, and far enough for me to consider it significant. Of course, the day hasn't closed yet so we might not have a green day after all but so far it's green, if slim.

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 04:51PM

In consideration of this cycle approaching its ATH, a few lessons i learned 2014/2017. Or, how not to burn your money.

I'm in no way an experienced trader, but i think i learned a thing or two by burning my fingers in the last bull and bear markets. Hopefully this can be help for some of you to avoid the same mistakes.Cycles and the flood lifts all boatsThere are a bunch of theories and modles as of why the market cycles occur. In retrospect we see that the bitcoin halving is triggering a bull market.Log halving/price chart"Bitcoin is the first digitally scarce thing known to mankind, and within its inner workings is a Mathematical mechanism that should make Bitcoin's value continue to rise. Each bitcoin is mined from so-called "blocks". A block is a 1MB piece of information that describes all transactions that take place within a period of time. A new block is generated roughly every 10 minutes. The Bitcoin network has been generating blocks, uninterrupted ever since its inception. The first block (genesis block) was generated on the 3rd of January 2009 and the reward for mining it was 50 bitcoins (BTC). Every subsequent block had the same mining reward but on every 210.000 generated blocks there is an event called "halving" which cuts, in half, the reward value distributed to miners from that moment on. In other words from block 210.000 onwards the reward is halved to 25 BTC; from block 420.000 onwards, it's halved to 12,5 BTC; and so on. Since blocks are generated every 10 minutes, "halving events" take place every 35.000 hours: almost exactly every 4 years.Halving events will continue taking place until the reward for miners reaches 0 BTC. Since Bitcoin's value representation has 8 decimal places, after the 33rd halving, the value of the reward will hit precisely 0 BTC. 33 halving events every 4 years adds up to 132 years total. The last Bitcoin to be mined into existence will be mined in the year 2140. It will be the 21 million'th Bitcoin to come into existence, and last, after which point it will be impossible to create anymore. From then on, Bitcoin will become truely 'deflationary', since "printing" / "minting" / "mining" new coins will no longer be possible, and if owners keep on losing their private keys, as they currently are, then the supply would further deflate by that lost-keys ratio."Bitcoin is King. Meaning that historically the value of other cryptos is correlated to BTC. To some extent or another. BTC goes up, market goes up. BTC goes down, market goes down.There will be a overheated period and a cool down period. So lesson 1 i wished i learned earlier​Lesson 1Have an exit strategy and stick to itThere are different kinds of strategies and you got to decide wich fits your bill. But in the end you will get emotional. We all do. Ignore it and stich to the plan!The Step-by-Step-MethodAlways make sure you have a plan before investing in anything. You should think about when you will be satisfied with the result. Will a 20% increase in price make you happy? Or are you someone that wants at least 200% profits before selling? This is where the Step-by-Step-Method comes into play. The Step-by-Step-Method allows you to sell a predetermined percentage of your crypto at certain price points. There is not a golden rule that will lead to definitive success. However, this strategy can prevent becoming to greedy, or selling to late, while still taking profits from time-to-time. Many investors will always keep 5-10% of their holdings for a longer period of time, just in case of a bigger up-cycle or because they firmly believe in the project they have invested in. It is always smart to take profits at a certain price range. An example of the step-by-step-method can be found below.​SELLING POINT% of holdings sold40.000$10%50.000$10%59.500$20%and so on...Initial Investment ReturnAnother smart things is taking profits similar to the invested amount. For example, if you have invested 1000 dollars, taking profits to an equal amount on a later point in time could be a great way to liquidate the risk of losing money. This way you make sure that no matter what happens, you can never lose more money than you initially invested.Do your own due dillegence and find out what levels you're comfortable with. Then stick to it.You will be a little unhappy if you leave a 50% gain on the table. You will be pissed when you'll lose 95% and have to wait 3 years to break even!​Lesson 2.There will be a long bear marketWhat goes up will come down. This is the time where you start accumulationg and DCA ( Dollar-cost averaging).Dollar-cost averaging (DCA) is an investment strategy in which an investor divides up the total amount to be invested across periodic purchases of a target asset in an effort to reduce the impact of volatility on the overall purchase. The purchases occur regardless of the asset's price and at regular intervals. In effect, this strategy removes much of the detailed work of attempting to time the market in order to make purchases of equities at the best prices. Dollar-cost averaging is also known as the constant dollar plan. A 2012 study by Vanguard found that historically investing your money in a lump sum vs. dollar-cost averaging produced better results 66 percent of the time. The longer the time frame, the greater the chance that investing all at once beat dollar-cost averaging, the study found.Ideally you have some profits from the bull market which you DCA over a period of 3-5years. Set a date (monthly, and an amount. Then stick to it. Take your time. There is always the next big BTC or ETH killer. Take your time to do your DD. Then formulate a strategy. And srick to it.Also, there is always some buzz. Be it the HODL gang trying to convince you to buy their stake or the bear gang trying to buy cheap. Be smart. Buy when theres blood on the street. Sell when you grandmother is asking to buy her BTC.​Lesson 3TaxesTrack every buy and sell. Be it via excell or a crypto tax service. Inform yourself when and how your crypto is taxes. FiFo, capital gain, holding deadlines and tax exemptions. Then fill your taxes properly.Don't be the guy that owns the gouverment 500k$ in taxes and lost everything during a bear cycle.Lesson 4Nice to knowMake a cheklist. Don't buy because you like the logo or animal- Can it be easily copied?- Is the Team competent and trustworthy?- How big is the market they're targeting?- How is the vakue actually derived for the holder?- What are the weaknesses/problems?- How is the project fundet?- Is it audited?- What problem does it solve?- Who is their competition and what does it do better?and so on...Research- Critcally evaluta the projects website. Is it professional or just an accumulaiton of buzzwords.- Read the whitepaper- Explore the blockchain and teh distribution. Are there big accounts? Regualr selloffs?- Is the Github repository busy?- Is there much "shilling" going on?- See if the team has a discord, blog, youtube and take a look on the quality of the discussions? Is it about price or quality of the product?

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 02:25PM

Portugal Tax Authorities Clarify That Buying Or Selling Cryptocurrency Is Tax-Free

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 12:22PM

Laughed at for buying my niece BTC... last summer.

Laughed at for buying my Niece bitcoin for her first birthday...Last summer.So I was trying to decide what to get my niece for her first birthday last July. I figured she's probably gonna get loads of crappy toys that she will quickly grow out of . I had just started buying BTC earlier that year so I thought I will get her some, I only bought £50.00 worth for her when it was worth $8000ish dollars. When my brother and his wife the parents of my niece opened the card to a message that said " You now own 0.0066 Bitcoin" they seemed a bit confused, my brother in law then laughed out loud and said' Who buys a baby Bitcoin'. I have to admit I felt pretty bad... It's now worth almost £300.00 and counting. I said she can withdraw when she's 18.Edit: I did post this in the BTC subreddit so apologies if you’ve seen it. I just really loved the responses the post got and how it was inspiring people to do similar things, so I thought I’d reach out into this sub.

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 06:09PM

For all the new moonies

You can only get moons from posts and comments in this subreddit.Moons come out every 28 days, we are going on the 16th cycle. You generate them by posting or commenting. Upvotes generate you around .207 ish moon per +vote for the 14th cycle (it changes every cycle), 15th cycle was .304 ish moons per +vote. As to weight of upvotes comment karma counts twice as much as post karma upvote in relation to per moon received.Also once you get past your first cycle If you hold the moons you received, you get a 20% bonus for your next cycle (this does not compound and the bonus is based on what you get each cycle, to total moons earned). You also get an extra 5% if you vote in a governance poll during the cycle.Moons are at its core, a form of governance token. Anyone can create a poll provided its feasible to execute if passed, your vote is weighed according to the amount of moons earned, bought moons do not count towards one's voting weight. Moons can also be used as a tip to show appreciation, or buy special membership to subreddit. This allows you colorful name and badges along with the privilege of posting GIF comments, this costs 1000 moons per month. Part of the moons used to purchase subreddit memberships are burned, and another part of that is redistributed to the pot for the next moon cycle. There is a total of 250 million Moons, 2.5% are released each cycle.They run on the Rinkby ethereum testnet, gas fees are non existent and since its testnet its also pretty useless, which is good for us because otherwise we would have to spend money to claim moons. Rumour has it we will move to mainnet or maybe even another blockchain network will house us with cheaper fees (the latter is my my personal armchair speculation). Please look into the outcome of the great reddit bake off (something to do with scaling) for more info on moons moving to mainnet. Arbitum has been selected by Admins to facilitate moon migration to mainnet as of 22.07.2021They are dropped to your vault, in order to make a vault you must download the reddit official app and create it from there. Even if you dont have a vault and have commented and received upvotes you can still claim backdated moons, however you must claim your moons within 6 months of them being allocated to you (to do this go to your vault during distribution day, or for backdated moons any time since their distribution to you), failure to do so will see them being burned, they dont go back to orbit but are burned for good. EDIT: moons will be auto deposited now,.Exchange will probably list us in the future at one point. Kraken has a info page on moons, which is a bullish sign. You can check their price on CoinGecko or coin market cap. For a hit of hopium, You can also see their potential price based on future market cap on coinperspectiveIf you want to buy moons. Celesti is a straight foward way to buy/sell with XLM, or moonswap for BUSD. There are other ways to buy/sell using xdai and honeyswap. There are some helpful posts on buying and selling if you look through the search feature, or the main body post of the daily discussion.Now that I have set the scene, the question is how do I earn them? Pragmatic methods are helping new people, just engaging with people, maybe asking someone a question and the ensuing conversation generates upvotes because people enjoy what they are reading. Or you can hypothesize ideas for original content and post them or comment them. The daily discussion is the best place to start. The mood is generally upbeat and is a great place to askI’d also recommend you keep your phrase for your vault safe, written down, hidden away, and backed up. That way even if you lose access to your reddit account you can still get your precious moons back.

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 05:20PM

Bitcoin insider confirms Bitcoin does not give a shit about Amazon

Bitcoin didn't give a shit about Silk RoadBitcoin didn't give a shit about Mt. GoxBitcoin didn't give a shit about Roger VerBitcoin didn't give a shit about China FUDBitcoin didn't give a shit about Tether FUDBitcoin didn't give a shit about Jamie DimonBitcoin didn't give a shit about Warren BuffettBitcoin didn't give a shit about Elon MuskBitcoin doesn't give a shit about AmazonIf you give a shit about financial independence, Bitcoin is here. It's an open and permissionless monetary system.Go ahead, set up your node and use it... or not.Bitcoin simply does not give a shit.

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 03:39PM

It’s amazing how people get soooo concerned about the waste from Bitcoin, then turn around and watch the Olympics where they build massive structure they use for a few weeks then rot forever.

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 10:47AM

El Salvador adopts Bitcoin as official currency on Sep 7 2021

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 10:06AM

Bitboy has been permanently banned from Youtube.

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 10:28AM

Robinhood raises less than it had hoped in IPO | CNN Business

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 09:05AM

New Infrastructure bill that may pass as soon as tonight is horrible for crypto!

They're trying to sneak this into the language to help pay for the massive infrastructure bill.“The provision further makes clear that broker-to-broker reporting applies to all transfers of covered securities within the meaning of section 6045(g)(3), including digital assets.”Individuals interacting with crypto may have to start reporting their transactions.“We interpret this to mean software wallet developers, hardware wallet manufacturers, multisig service providers, liquidity providers, DAO token holders and potentially even miners”You can see immediately why this is a bad idea. Miners, DEXes, liquidity providers etc..... having to report all transactions? Literally impossible. These dinosaurs clearly have no idea what they're doing. There are some people calling congress and trying last minute to save this, but not much hope.Worst case scenario, some companies and systems may have to go offshore.*I get that FUD can be depressing, but please don't just downvote everyone trying to have a conversation please. There are some big sectors in the market legitimately concerned with this.**Small update - Rep Tom Emmer responded on Reddit that he would help.

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 08:06AM

We have closed the 8th consecutive green day, on the 40k line.

It just happened, we closed the 8th green day and on the line of the 40k in all exchanges!! We havent seen 8 consecutive green days since December 12-20 2020 when we went from 17k and crossed the ATH that was 20k at that moment, it was indeed a historical moment.So now, will it be historical too?? One will think 8 green days i might bet for a red one today, but this is crypto, sometimes it likes to do crazy stuff. What do you think?Im not a trader so i will keep hodling.

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 07:07AM

Daily Discussion - July 29, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating.Disclaimer:Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.Rules:All sub rules apply in this thread. The prior exemption for karma and age requirements is no longer in effect.Discussion topics must be related to cryptocurrency.Behave with civility and politeness. Do not use offensive, racist or homophobic language.Comments will be sorted by newest first.Useful Links:Beginner ResourcesIntro to r/Cryptocurrency MOONs 🌔MOONs Wiki Pager/CryptoCurrency Discordr/CryptoCurrencyMemesPrior Daily Discussionsr/CryptoCurrencyMeta - Join in on all meta discussions regarding r/CryptoCurrency whether it be moon distributions or governance.

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 07:00AM

Some poor guy loses $13k in fees for a failed transaction.

Some poor soul who doesn't know how gas works loses $13k in fees trying to buy Stoner Cat token.

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 01:30AM

Has Reddit Moons made you more trigger happy with upvotes?

Due to the rise in popularity of Reddit Moons and the actual financial gain which can be brought by upvoting others peoples comments and posts - has anyone’s upvoting habits changed?I find myself being slightly more liberal with upvotes to reward people, do people lean the other way?

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 04:10AM

Bitcoin will most likely never die, but I believe ETH is a better investment

It has had the ability to move despite BTC price action. The flipping or something might happen too sometime in the future.Triple halving, EIP something, ETH 2.0... All of these updates are trying to make ETH more scalable and consumer friendly.Dapps are countless with countless use cases which Bitcoin has never supported. Bitcoin is a store of value and the market leader, but that's pretty much it.Would like to hear your opinions, against or matching mine.

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 02:07AM

Vice President of Ghana calls for cryptocurrency adoption to stimulate economy

Submitted July 29, 2021 at 12:51AM

Big $ just sold. If you’re timing the market, It’s time.

I’ll make this short. Around November of 2020, I saw a comment about This Wallet seeming to always time the market. I’ve since followed it and they have yet to fail.I’m bullish long term on crypto and I’ve been able to add to my overall stake by following that wallet. They sold 3000 (~120mil) BTC over the past two days.If you’re not trying to trade the market swings, just keep hodling. Long term we all hope it succeeds. If you’re trying to time the market, sell high buy low (haha), it’s looking pretty bearish right now.Follow the money folks.

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 10:06PM

Billionaire Investor Mike Novogratz on Sen. Warren: "Banks charged $12B in Overdraft Fees, a Fortune in ATM Fees, a Fortune in Checking Account Fees. But you keep going after Crypto"

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 11:31PM

Banks, decentralized finance and inflation rates. Is banking changing or should I stay traditional?

Because prices are expected to rise in the future, inflation might diminish the value of your investments over time. This is especially evident when dealing with money. If you keep $10,000, it may not be enough to buy as much in 20 years. While you haven't really lost money, inflation has affected your purchasing power, resulting in a lower net worth. The average bank interest rate for interest checking accounts in the United States is 0.03%. Meanwhile, the average savings account rate is currently 0.06%, and the average money market account interest rate is 0.09%. (Source). Meanwhile consumer prices have an inflation rate of 4.2% (Source) So you might be thinking that your money is doing okay in the bank but in reality your savings aren’t growing fast enough to compete with inflation.With banks not giving out any solution for inflation; decentralized finance has opened up a solution to it by removing the middleman. Through defi anyone can lend their savings directly to others and can earn back all of the interest for themselves. The key technologies that allow decentralized finance are blockchain and cryptocurrencies.What are your thoughts on this? Is decentralization the future?

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 09:43PM

Guide - Best Way to Buy Any Coin (Better than DCA)

Hey Investors,I am sure most of you guys are really new to Crypto world and might be using techniques like DCA to create your own portfolio for future/long term investments. Guess what? For you guys, I want to share a really great technique on When to Purchase any Coin.NOTE: This is a guide comparing DCA to my technique. Please read carefully if you are really looking for maximum profits out of your investments.Let's begin.I am Joe, I have $400 to invest. Someone on Internet told me to start with DCA and I am doing real good until one day, u/ImThour showed up with his technique on how to buy any coin at right time. Here is a quick difference of Average Cost of Buying via DCA and His Technique.Average Cost via DCA (Bought $100 worth of BTC Every Monday): $34174.25Check Chart For DatesDay 1 (5th July, 2021): BTC Bought @ $35274Day 2 (12th July, 2021): BTC Bought @ $34264Day 3 (19th July, 2021): BTC Bought @ $31780Day 4 (26th July, 2021): BTC Bought @ $35379Average Cost via His Technique (Bought $100 worth of BTC each Time): $32545.5Check Chart For DatesDay 1 (5th July, 2021): BTC Bought @ $33590Day 2 (8th July, 2021): BTC Bought @ $32659Day 3 (13th July, 2021): BTC Bought @ $33095Day 4 (20th July, 2021): BTC Bought @ $30838Damn, That's a difference of almost $1628.75 in Average Cost of Buying.What's the technique? It's really simple.Go to your Coin you want to buySet Chart Timings to 4 HoursClick on Indicators and add Stoch RSIOnly Buy when Stoch RSI crosses each other below 20.That's it, you have bought at the perfect time.Thanks for reading till this sentence. Not sure if someone posted this before or it's an exclusive to this subreddit. I have never seen someone suggesting this before and surely, it's an easy way to invest in most of the coins in the market.

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 07:37PM

Be careful of new moon scams happening, someone has built a fake exchange using the name of

Please read carefullymoonsswapv2. com /buyindex.html (This is the false/scam site, DO NOT CLICK / EDIT : edited to take away the clickable link)DO NOT BUY MOONS AT THIS SITE. THE ONLY OFFICIAL MOONSSWAP IS just informed me about this, be careful and make sure you’re going to the right place, please pass on this information to anyone you see buying moons.

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 07:46PM

Bitcoin enters longest winning streak this year, rises to $40,000 amid cryptocurrency rebound

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 05:05PM

8 straight green days for Bitcoin for the first time in more than 2 years

Bitcoin price has been rising every day for the past 8 days.The last time Bitcoin had 8 straight days of green candles was in June 2019 when Bitcoin woke up from 1 year of bear market.The last time Bitcoin had 9 straight days of green candles was in October 2015 when Bitcoin woke up from 2 years of bear market.Bitcoin has never had 10 straight days of green candles. 2 more days of green will make an all-time record.*Edit. In December 2020 there was one small difference. One of the days was a doji (means open and close price was the same).

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 04:03PM

A 100$ bill now feels like it gives me as much utility as a 20$ bill would've when I was a kid. Anyone else really noticing this now more than ever?

Inflation is a slow creeping effect that is only most noticable once you are entirely ravaged by it. Cheers to you cryptonuats that have voyaged with me into the unknown. I believe that because of our research (or luck) that we have been able to stay ahead of the inflation curve without giving endless hours of our lives to companies, as many around us do. We should be encouraged to spend our time our way in the modern human era, and crypto is beginning to enable many people to find new freedoms. Fuck inflation, but I'm happy to see the positive impact that crypto is having on others lives. I was able to make my first purchases of goods and services with crypto today and it felt amazing. So while a 100 bucks feels more like a 20$ bill now, atleast we are able to keep up and compete with inflation.

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 12:09PM

I don't want lambos or other luxury things. I just want financial independence! I don't want to work till I die. I hope we all make it together one day!

I am not dreaming about riding in lambos having a huge house etc.All I want is a nice family, peaceful life and to not have to work forever! My parents are 60 and are still working with no plans of retiring because they can’t! I don’t want to be like that! I don’t want to work till I die!I know crypto is not going to make all that happen but I can help. I have invested in other things. I am still 20 years old so with the right financial education I hope to retire before 50!I hope all of you don’t have to work and can retire whenever you want to! We’re in this together!Good luck to everyone in their journeys!

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 04:06PM

Bulls are fighting hard to keep BTC above $40k. Let's cheer them on!

Let's Pamp it! like a bull run in Pamplona! Bulls are fighting hard to keep BTC above $40k, as we all watch keenly from our devices. Let's cheer on these brave bulls that are investing at such a critical time in the market. Let's go bulls!

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 11:15AM

Cold wallets explained: an easy-to-follow breakdown of what cold wallets are actually doing, and why and how they provide increased security over hot wallets

You've probably heard that the point of a physical wallet is to have a place that knows your private keys that is never connected to the internet. This is (at least partially) correct, but it's a bit more complicated than that. Really, a hard wallet is an offline transaction signer. Let's go into a bit more detail.​With a software wallet that you have on your computer, since it knows your private key(s), it can be targeted by malware. There could even be a screen spy virus or a keylogger that records your wallet telling you the seed phrase that first time that you generate it. In general, since your computer has internet access, it is a target. Ideally, if you want to sleep like a baby at night, your keys/seed should never be known by any machine that is ever connected to the internet.​A hardware wallet is always offline. When you want to send crypto from your hardware wallet, you set the transaction up using a software on your PC (like Ledger Live), but you can't actually sign the transaction and send it on your PC, because that software doesn't know your key (that software might feel like a wallet, but it absolutely is not, because it is not in possession of you private key(s)). Instead, to actually send the transaction, you attach your hardware wallet to your PC with a USB, and you press a physical button on it to confirm you want it to sign the transaction. You might think that to do this, it must send your private key through the USB to the software on your PC, but it doesn't. It signs the transaction on the physical device itself, using the private key, then sends the signed transaction through the USB to the software, which then sends it off into the network. A signed transaction can been seen by all without danger; it's just the private key that does the signing that must stay private.​So, really a hardware wallet is just a transaction signer. It is an offline object that adds your private key signature to transactions when you tell it to, and then it sends those transactions through a USB. Your private keys and seed therefore never appear on your PC screen, are never typed by your PC keyboard, and are never known by any drive on your PC, or by any entity that has internet access.​If you decided to go the "paper wallet" route of literally just memorizing your keys, or writing them on paper, rather than having a hardware or software wallet, the problem is that to actually make an outbound transaction, you would have to use any one of a hundred different online tools or executable applications or whatever to actually type in your key or seed and the details of the transaction, because you can't interface directly between your brain and the blockchain. Now, you're back in the original situation of having an online machine see your private key (in reality, it's a bit more complex than this; there are workarounds that allow you to do this relatively safely, but I don't want to complicate this too much).​So, a hardware wallet is not only an offline place to store your keys/seed, it also does the signing for you, in a fully offline air-gapped way, which cuts out any middleman kind of application knowing your seed/keys, and therefore removes all vulnerabilities from the process.​I hope this helps some peoples' understand of hot and cold wallets!

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 01:49PM

Senator Elizabeth Warren predicts crypto could become major threat to the financial system. Let’s all hope so.

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 12:49PM

Robinhood faces investigation because its CEO is not registered with the U.S. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 10:43AM

The Midnight Pump Phenomenon

I started trading crypto futures pretty recently, and there's something really strange I noticed - every day, at midnight GMT, one cryptocurrency is essentially guaranteed to pump at this time. There have been 3 instances I have noticed, but I'm sure they happen every day. Here they are:UNFI/USDT - 26/7/2021 fact, I had actually opened a long position before this pump, but I digress. Anyways, it can be seen that there was a massive spike in volume followed by numerous large green candles for no reason at all except for the fact that it was midnight GMT, or 10am in my time zone.​CVC/USDT - 27/7/2021 one was really insane as CVC gained more than 50% over a period of an hour, and for no reason at all!STORJ/USDT - 28/7/2021 it had a pretty large initial candle, the full size of the pump was not much (only around 25%), but it still goes to show the massive forces behind the market. Also, there was an incredible increase in volume (60 times more, probably) than the candle before it.​Trading Strategy?Well, at this point these pumps pretty easy to identify, so a possible strategy would be to monitor the top gainers list (or similar) in your trading platform of choice, and, at midnight GMT, look out for any sudden rises up the ranks. If it's still trading within the first candle, it would be a pretty solid choice to buy and hold for the next few minutes to an hour at high leverage.Why?The only reason behind this I can reasonably think of is daily binance pump & dump groups, but this seems rather implausible to me - the 'dump' never comes to these coins. Usually, they just stay range-bound at their local highs with slight corrections and rebounds along the way.It could also be just because of a whale purchasing large amounts and other traders joining in, but this also seems unlikely as a whale would not have enough capital to pump different cryptos every day, nor would they have a strict 'regime' to only buy at midnight sharp.What do you guys think it could be caused by?PSA: never invest more than you can afford to lose, and don't invest at too high of a leverage or you'll get liquidated​TL;DR suspicious pumps are happening at midnight GMT every day to random cryptos, the reason is unknown but these pumps enable a possible trading strategy

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 10:00AM

We are officially back to $40K USD

Despite the recent events with the fake article regarding Amazon accepting Bitcoin and creating their own coin, it appears news of their recent cryptocurrency blockchain job listings may be managing to keep the price around $40KWe had a slight swing with the Amazon FUD back to $37K and just as quickly we're now, as I type, back above $40K USDThis might be the turning point. All I know, is it's going to go right.

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 09:15AM

What happened to the Bitcoin investors from 2011? Are any still lurking on this sub like elder gods?

OK 2011 seems a bit arbitrary, but it's the low-hanging fruit of being 10 years ago. Going back through the Bitcointalk forums of around that time, I'm struck (as anyone would be) by what would be BTC in the amounts of many millions of dollars today mundanely being presented as trade for real life objects or rewards for online tasks.The "Class of 2011" don't owe us and certainly not me as a curious Redditor anything at all; I'm sure many are living quiet and very secure lives, I'm genuinely glad. Nor am I hunting for failure porn, although I know there's a lot of genuine "None of us knew" stories. We know Pizza Guy but perhaps it's difficult to fully comprehend how many people don't possess access to their Bitcoin from that time.I guess I'm interested in knowing if there's people who were into BTC back then and perhaps kept some coins but aren't multi-millionaires still on the sub. I know it can't be a binary proposition from that time, lambo or rekt, as always with life there'll be a mid-zone of people's experience.Or maybe not? Was BTC sucees then to now more of a zero-sum game than I suspect? I have no idea. As always guys thanks for indulging my curiosity, cheers.

Submitted July 28, 2021 at 08:02AM