I bought first whole ETH January 16th. It is one of the single best decisions I have made. Tomorrow, I get my first paycheck as a full-time, blockchain business developer!

It's been a bloody 2018 for most of us, myself included. But I can assure you, this is just the beginning. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are here to stay. It might have been overpriced, but it is certainly not over-hyped.Anyway, I'm having a blast today. Killed my first presentation. Gotten some new friends. Getting used to the workload. And best of all, tomorrow I get my first paycheck as a full-time blockchain "professional" (I still feel like an absolute idiot when it comes to blockchain). I'm just over the moon, my dudes. I started grinning like an idiot yesterday, just because it dawned on my that I now get paid for researching stuff I normally would spend my afternoons and weekends on.I work at one of the biggest IT-firms in the Nordics and I get to work at some groundbreaking stuff, with a company that has the financial power to make stuff happen. I'm just a few weeks in, but I've been thrown across all kinds of sectors already and I love every minute of it. I get to work on solutions that will hopefully help a lot of people. I've been in a complete fuck it mode the last days. Can I fix the housing market with blockchain? Fuck it why not, let's try. "Not fast enough! This shit needs to be real-time and instant ffs."I'm just bloody happy today and I just want to express my gratitude. You guys got me into this. The screams for decentralization. The memes. The articles. To all of you that share your knowledge, humor, thoughts and your shitcoins here, thank you.tl;dr: blockchain dum-dum got blockchain smaht, found moon.

Submitted August 15, 2018 at 12:02AM

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