In 2014 I sold 20+ Bitcoins at a 45% loss... Some investment advice.

My post when I sold was over invested and under researched.I continued to read more and more and eventually bought back in.I almost spent 1 BTC on 2000 ETH in the crowd sale but they didn't even have a working product then so I said fuck that. I have NO regrets about that as I would still not invest in vapourware. I've stuck to this rule so resisted pretty much every single alt and ICO, even through the mad bull run last year I stuck to my rule.After ETH proved it's self and didn't collapse after the DAO I bought a bunch at around $20. When it hit $120 a few months later I sold some and paid off some debts, I still hodl the rest.I read about this shit every single day, listen to podcasts that interview thought leaders and developers in the space, I put 1-2 hours a day for 5 years so far into reading about this. I have my eye on about 6 alts but have still not FOMO'd in as there will be plenty of time if they prove themselves. To date the only coins I have bought are BTC and ETH but might invest a little in some others soon.Yes I've missed some stupendous alt gains but I'm still %1600 up on my initial investment. I HODL and don't day trade, I make 1 trade a year after shit tonnes of reading and listening.Crypto isn't going anywhere but %99 of these projects will fail, stick to the proven ones and be super patient, this is a 10+ year investment for me. Look for interviews with the teams behind the projects you like. Are they smart or shmucks? Is there a passionate team? Is the innovation truly needed on a blockchain? Are they just after money?Bear markets are the time to buy and move portfolio around.Forget coinmarketcap, this is a much better tool for comparing the health of a project luck.

Submitted August 21, 2018 at 06:00PM

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