Our Podcast covered the Coss.io situation in a new format we decided to call Red Flags where we lay out red flags, and what excuses there could be for them. We'd love feedback!

After years of talking about red flags on the CryptoBasic Podcast, we decided to make it official and have a format where we strictly cover the red flags of a project.We break down each red flag, why it's bad, and what excuses there could be for it to not be a red flag, and then give our opinion of the aggregate of the red flags we've seen.We covered the Coss.io situation in this first episode with this new format, and we focused heavily on some of the mod drama that was put front and center in this subreddit (related to the other subreddit of course).We would love feedback on the format, and feel that we are helping contribute to thought out analysis rather than FUD or tribalism in the space.Check out the episode here

Submitted January 23, 2020 at 03:26AM

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