Verge is still a steaming mess, despite all the glitter it has recently been decorated with

Nice logo. Big partnerships. Flashy website. Promises of privacy. """Wraith Protocol""".Anybody who knows better can take a close look and see that their tech is weak, and that they blatantly fail to deliver the service they're claiming to provide. There is nothing there but some pretty wallets and some disorganized copy-pasted code. Just about what you'd expect considering they only have a couple of active developers.It's literally a coin running on ignorance and trickery. Without its community of brain-dead zealots, it would drop off the map faster than a flatearther canoeing to Australia.The community is a cult-like group of blind followers which scream FUD whenever they disagree, and at almost every word they don't understand. The team is a bunch of stoners with little technical knowledge (excluding a choice few) which ban anyone not keeping exactly in-line with their personal beliefs.Now that they are in the spotlight, many new players are entering the crypto world with XVG in their portfolios, and the administration team continues to make utter fools of themselves. The way they act is altogether childish and arrogant, and completely without warrant or common sense. It seems to be a conglomerate of high school dropouts with no understanding of blockchain technology (even that of the coin they support).This isn't going to change. They are making us all look bad.Disclaimer: I do not hold verge, and am not in any way attempting to give investment advice. Please make your own educated decisions, and do not see this post as a signal in any way.

Submitted May 26, 2018 at 06:38PM

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