The importance of the Crypto aha moment

I started 2014 with Cryptos but more as a bystander and observer. It was 2016 when I started working fulltime in this industry. As many of us, I suffer every time something happens: a maximalist throws up with some stupid arguments, the press pretends to find the 1228th negative point to Bitcoin, a professor or politician saying: “it will never happen”, a friend smiling and telling you “you are wasting your time”, or your son (who is a millennial) having moved from an advocate to a i-don’t-care person. And we then gather together around the influencers that tell us: it is going to be great.Most of my time I have to deal with serious business people or high-ranking politicians and one of the big problems I see: people don’t understand cryptos. Even if you explain to them how things work and what it is all about, they don’t get it. In my environment there is nobody that shows even the slightest interest although everybody is of the opinion that this is the future. I can try to explain from any angle (investment: boom will come, or it is about the technology) and they all smile back at me and continue in their own world. I can explain it many times, I can guide them through the process. Nothing. A week later they are back to square one.So why is that so difficult?If this is the future, why is it so difficult to engage them? I now believe it has to do with an aha moment. I had a few moments of joy, but only one aha-moment. For example, the first metamask transaction, the first transfer to an exchange, the first fight with an exchange, the running of an Ethereum node, … My first aha moment was, when I took a Maker loan. It was simple and within minutes I received the DAI tokens. That was impressive as getting a loan through a bank is a painful experience (recently I applied for one: they needed access to my credit rating, tax returns, plans, I had to fill out several forms, …). With Maker: no questions asked and within minutes. That impressed me.What was your aha-moment?

Submitted March 29, 2019 at 02:46AM

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