Here are my 7 reasons1.) No one is always trying to manipulate the price by a reddit post.2.) The theory everyone wants to shill a project vs discuss a tech for a discussion is ignorant.3.) This is why antishills are annoying they downvote quality posts made to have discussions. They also post "know it all" comments on posts as if they know 100% a post was created to shill.4.) If you are an antishill you are more annoying than those who actually do shill and you ruin this sub more than them because shill posts are obvious but you are to ignorant to see that so you fill the boards up with your stupid comments:antishill "you mentioned it because its in your portfolio"5.) No.. it was posted because someone wanted to share an idea about a technology. Its annoying when you have to post a long book of text describing how and why you arent shiling to not be bombarded by antishillers.6.) Antishillers would be as "ignorant bacteria" in the body that attacks healthy bacteria because they arent intelligent to be neutral7.) 8 out of 10 posts that arent actually shilled get bombarded by antishiller ignorant coments that get upovted to the top by other ignorantsI have a dream antishillers will learn not everyone is a shill or cares to shill or even thinks about shilling and they dont have to post a book of text explaining why they arent shiling.
Submitted May 05, 2019 at 01:45PM
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