Only you can fix this

Recent threads here on /r/cryptocurrency have prompted me to write today.More and more of us here are beginning to see the writing on the wall regarding the transparent (and therefore, 100% surveillance-friendly) nature of almost every single blockchain out there.And that is good. Because this should concern you. At least if you want cryptocurrency for personal freedom, individual liberty, self-sovereignty and greater control over your own personal affairs.If you're in this game for "mad gainz", then do both of us a favor and stop reading now, you'd be wasting your time.But if - to press the point - cryptocurrency fascinates you for the possibilities opened by being your own bank, the master of your personal finance, and sidestepping the mass-surveillance dragnet massively catalyzed since 9/11 (terrorism serves as the eternal excuse to chip away at civil liberties and privacy, as undoubtedly you have by now at least suspected).. then consider this.We are up against big, alien, and unclear forces. Who exactly is pushing for the extinction of privacy - online and offline - is somewhat unclear.It certainly involves many of our elected officials, who dine and wine with other elected (and unelected) officials around the world, dictating from above (FATCA, CRS, war on drugs, war on terrorism, war on cash, war on this, war on that) what the unwashed masses must accept .. or else.At some point you have to ask yourself. Are they really doing what's in your best interest? Are they really concerned about your well-being?Do they want you to succeed and become the best human being you can be?I think the answer is a resounding NO.This totalitarian gang seems mostly interested in dictating what you can and cannot put in your own body, what (correct, you see) opinions you may or may not express, increasingly what you can and cannot read online, where you can or cannot spend your money.And in the mean time, they would very much like (and for the most part have successfully achieved) to know who you talk to. What you read. Who your friends are. What opinions you hold.And most relevant to this subreddit - where you spend your money. (But make no mistake, these points are all connected)This is totalitarianism at its core: the base, ugly human desire to use power not to raise yourself and others, but to control, micromanage, and dictate from above. It is the way of the tyrant.The situation for individual liberty and personal privacy is dire. The Internet is under extensive mass-surveillance "to keep us safe", the government has databases on everyone. This is a gross violation of civil rights that we have become numb to. Apathy towards this tyranny sets a very dangerous precedent.YOU must be different. Only you can fix this.We need you to become the best you can be. To educate yourself to the fullest extent you can. To learn from the great masters - past and present, to realize that tyranny has reared its ugly head before, and surely will once again, unless good people everyone unite and say: not on my watch.I urge you: don't let them take your privacy away. The tyrant wants full visibility into the life of every citizen, because then people are scared: scared to read the "wrong" things, scared to voice the "wrong" opinion, scared to stand up and fight, because with full visibility, we become atomized. It becomes easy, trivial even, to pick us apart.This is one of the great tasks of our generation. To dismantle the surveillance state.There is plenty of historical evidence available. The time for this beast to be slain is yesterday: it will only keep growing, feeding on your life force (you are paying for your own enslavement through taxes) like a parasite.Better stop it sooner rather than later.Or one day, all that you take for granted right now, will vanish before your very confused eyes. You will realize, you've been had. You will come to know the true meaning of slavery.Only you can fix this. Reclaim your voice! Reclaim your privacy! Educate yourself!You have vast swaths of mankind's knowledge available from your pocket today! There are no excuses!Get strong!We need you. Liberty hangs by a thread, when will enough be enough?

Submitted October 31, 2019 at 04:47PM

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