what are some of the pros and cons on countries accepting USD backed crypto vs also taking Bitcoin et al?

I'm in a debate and looking for more information on both sides...I personally come down on the side that while accepting USDC is a great initiative, organizations around the world should also be accepting Bitcoin et al, even if they settle that currency immediately to fiat (I'd personally hold on to 5-10% in crypto, but that's just me).It feels as those people operate as a "want their cake and eat it to" mission statement. They want to look progressive by accepting crypto, but only crypto tied to the USD. Well, that's not really what crypto was designed for (in my opinion and many others) and it doesnt really drive innovation if you're basically looking for a single Gov to decide the value of your currency. Also, USDC just seems like a layer of bureaucracy stapled onto US dollars, not a shift in thinking or capabilities.Now, that being said I'm not against USDC, and perhaps the innovations we're looking for in crypto will still manifest in a USDC as we are seeing in Bitcoin, ETH etc...But at present I feel it's a bit of a cop out. Looking for other opinions on the topic.

Submitted October 22, 2019 at 06:05PM

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