Full Detailed Guide - Converting Reddit Moons to $$$

This guide will be guide starting from nothing, to convert your Moons to ETH, I found lots of guides, but I ended up having to use about 4 guides, and a few videos to get it done, so I decided to put this guide together for the community.To see the current price of Moons, go here:https://info.honeyswap.org/token/0x1e16aa4df73d29c029d94ceda3e3114ec191e25a​Linking Metamask, and your Reddit wallet.Go to https://ift.tt/2S3U7Dp the Chrome or Firefox logo, to add Metamask to your browser.Now Open the Reddit app on your mobileOpen the Reddit Menu (Click your profile picture in the top-left)Click on VaultClick on the 3 dots next to Vault, once in the Vault Page.Click on Recovery Phrase and Copy it to your clipboard.Send the Recovery phrase to your computer in a secure manner, so you can access it on the computer you have installed MetamaskOnce Metamask is installed, click "Import using account seed phrasehttps://preview.redd.it/ar5ufuw8grp51.png?width=505&format=png&auto=webp&s=56c98ca22d2b3c7cf22e85c936040d1467694ee8Paste in the seed phrase you got from your Reddit ValueSet a password, and continue, you should now be logged in to MetamaskSeeing your Reddit moons in Metamask.In Metamask, switch to the Rinkeby Test Network​https://ift.tt/3kStkWX "Add Token"Click "Custom Token"In the "Token Contract Address" field, put in 0xDF82c9014F127243CE1305DFE54151647d74B27AClick "Next"Click "Back"Click "Custom Token"In the "Decimals of Precision" field, put in 18Click "Next"Click "Add Tokens"You should now be able to see your Reddit Moons Balance within Metamask on the Rinkeby Test Networkhttps://preview.redd.it/i63q1snijrp51.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e7de78801c20b3264f4a1fb00821a17b659d2fdFunding your wallet to cover feesNow you need to fund your main network "Main Ethereum Network" with around $20 of Ethereum (GAS fees were quite high when I transferred, mileage may vary here).This is to cover purchasing Dai to cover conversions from xDai to Dai etcFund your main wallet from anywhere you like with Ethereum, to do so, switch back to the "Main Ethereum Network" copy the address, and then send some Ethereum (I did so from Binance)You also need to fund your "Rinkeby Test Network" with Ethereum you can do this in several ways, most methods will require you to connect your wallet to one of the faucets availableUse https://ift.tt/2qmyWwt ***Use https://ift.tt/2pSTyA8 (Requires a social media post) ***Use https://ift.tt/3kKHVns (Requires registration via email) ***Use https://ift.tt/3cC2wat ***Ask someone nicely on Reddit /u/BankBailout was extremely kind in sending me some, and if anyone struggles with getting some via the other methods, then I will be happy to send some over!*** None of those worked for me, step 4 is how I got the ETH to convert it.Now you have ETH in your "Main Ethereum Network" wallet and your "Rinkeby Test Network" Wallet, you now need some Dai in your "Main Ethereum Network" walletGo to https://ift.tt/34auuXo, if you have a preference to use another DeFi exchange, then that is fine.Link your Metamask wallet.Go to https://ift.tt/3cBcF7k the "Unlock" switch next to "Dai" (This cost myself around $1 for fees)Go to https://ift.tt/3437M3b 10 Dai with the ETH you have on your "Main Ethereum Network"Confirm the transfer in your wallet pop-upNow go back to MetamaskClick on the Network DropdownClick "Custom RPC"In the "Network Name" field, put xDaiIn the "New RPC URL" field, put https://ift.tt/3483OWY "Save"Now you need to convert 5 Dai to 5 xDaiGo to https://ift.tt/338wZu0 your Metamask wallet, in the top-rightSwitch to the "Main Ethereum Network" walletPut in 5, and click TransferConfirm the transfer in your wallet pop-upYou should in a minute or so, have 5 xDai, in your xDai custom NetworkNow the best part, converting those moons into $$$Go to https://ift.tt/3cBcGbo your Metamask WalletSwitch to your "Rinkeby Test Network" Wallet in MetamaskClick "MOON to xMOON"Confirm the transfer in your wallet pop-upWait until the xMOON's show up on the exchange, it will be on the left-hand side.Switch to your "xDai" wallet in Metamask​Selling large quantities of moons, at once, may tank the market a touch, due to the currently quite low liquidity.​At this point, you can continue to use xmoon.exchange, or you can use Honeyswap, which has around 10x the liquidity, at the time of posting.Continuing on xMOONOn the exchange, click xMOON to xDAIConfirm the transactionWait until the amount of xDAI Increase on the right-hand side of the exchange.Using HoneySwapGo to https://ift.tt/3kXbYrV the disclaimerSwitch to your xDAI network, within MetamaskConvert your xMOON's to xDAI.Confirm the transaction, within the Metamask pop up.Now converting those xDAI, back to DAI.Go to https://ift.tt/3jcpvf4 to your "xDAI" Network within Metamask, if you are not already on it.Transfer your xDAI to DAI via the bridge.Confirm the transaction in your Metamask wallet pop-upYou should now have your DAI in your "Main Ethereum Network" AccountYou can then use Oasis etc, or other DeFi exchanges, to convert that DAI to ETH etc.I then sent the ETH to my Binance, then my Wirex in the UK, and cashed out to my bank.I thought I would document this process for others, as I Imagine like myself many of us are going through hard times at the moment due to Covid, and the $200ish I pulled from this, will help myself massively, so hopefully, it will help some of you!Please let me know, if I have missed anything, or if there is anything I should add.EDIT 1: Added note about using Honeyswap, and instructions on how to do so, due to the increased liquidity.

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 05:46AM

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