UPDATES: Stricter content rules, trivia (6000 MOON in prizes), security, and merchandise!

Hello r/CryptoCurrency redditors!This year has been exciting for cryptocurrencies. To accommodate for the recent subreddit interest and changes, we are proposing the following for feedback:Stricter Content RulesWe have been extremely sensitive to the quality of subreddit content for a very long time. r/CryptoCurrency needs to balance the views of thousands of subreddit communities while avoiding being overrun by memes, shilling, and fake news. This is a really delicate balancing act.Back in April 2019, we tested out a "whtelist-only" rule. Link submissions could only come from whitelisted domains. We have not updated the whitelist much since then.At this point, we would like to collect initial feedback on re-imposing this whitelist. In doing so, we will re-evaluate the existing domains and the domain whitelist review process. If you are familiar with those, you can leave specific comments as well.We have a few options for the whitelist. We can do one of the following (noting that all posts will be subject to quality standards, but stricter whitelists also help keep quality high):No changeWhitelist and self posts only. Image domains still allowed in whitelist. This won't reduce image spam.Whitelist and self posts only. Restrict crossposts to r/CryptoCurrencyMemes and r/CryptoTechnology. Image submission blocked. All memes must be crossposted from r/CryptoCurrencyMemes, giving us finer control.The whitelisted domains and subreddits can be changed to what makes sense. The difference between 2 and 3 is mostly whether image posts are allowed to be posted directly or not.Trivia this Friday at 5pm CDT! 6000 MOON in prizes!About a year ago, we started weekly r/CryptoCurrency Trivia, which was fun but also had limited participation. At the time, you only won a special flair. Now however, you can WIN MOONS!1st place: 3000. 2nd: 2000. 3rd: 1000.Join with your Reddit username if you want to win coins! See you there!Link: https://youtu.be/V4tLVbt1aHASecurityFor some people, their Reddit account is priceless. For others, it may literally be holding thousands of dollars of MOONs. You need to think about security.Enable Reddit's 2FA right now (at the bottom of this page on desktop). We require that mods here enable 2FA since it's that important.Use a password manager like KeePassXC, LastPass, or Keeper. Secure those vaults with a super strong password that you memorize. Then make sure your Reddit, email, and other passwords are protected with crazy strings that you couldn't remember even if your life depended on it.Make sure your Reddit email is still valid, and check the password, recovery settings, and 2FA on that too.MerchandiseWe fully plan to offer merchandise through a partner, who will accept payment in Moons and will purchase and "burn" Moons with some of the proceeds. What merchandise would you like to see? The r/CryptoCurrency branding is awesome since it's so inclusive; what other logos refer to the entire ecosystem instead of just one project?What would you like to see r/CryptoCurrency merchandise for? What designs would you like to see other than the subreddit logo? The Moons logo and/or design? Memes? Bitconnect?

Submitted September 30, 2020 at 02:23AM

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