Quick math: Why holding actually works

Just making this post to help out peoples investing strategy in general as I'm seeing posts on "how to trade". For basically all assets/securities (stocks, Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc...) that have an expected upward long term trajectory, there are typically only a handful of days out of the year where all the gains are made. Like 10-15. All the rest (~350 days) the price makes small up and down moves, or down moves. This is why investing is a game of patience above all else. Interestingly for Bitcoin as an example, there are many years where if you eliminated the best 10 days, you would actually be negative in returns, even in the best years. And if you miss just the best few, your gains are cut in half. This is why trading and being out of the market for too much time is risky for any asset you think is going up because you have a good chance of missing those 10-15 or so days that are critical. No idea if this is helpful or too obvious but just wanted to mention this.

Submitted September 13, 2020 at 08:25AM

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