How i became a crypto-mining millionarie in under 2 years during a bear market.

Have the mindset in crypto that everyone is against you. They are using you for their own benefit/gains. No matter what type of relationship you have with individuals you meet online at the end of the day it means nothing. You steal 100k? Its forgotten after a while, You donated 100k? it's forgotten after a while. Nobody truly gives a shit. It's just them reacting too a certain situation in the moment. The reality is they only care about themselves and theirs nothing wrong with that. I remember reading threads on /r/cryptocurrency in the last bull-run where everyone was holding hands, singing kumbaya, and talking about lambos... Did you guys all think you were gonna make gains? Someone has to lose for the other person to win. High majority of this space works just like a ponzi and it should be treated as such.Unlike most people who's daily source of crypto-related news come from social media platforms like reddit/4chan/twitter/facebook and hoping to get spoonfed. I scoured through different untapped platforms(which im not going to list). This was tedious and took hours upon hours without results for weeks at times. It was treated as a job. I've found coins like signatum, district0x, bulwark, lux, ravencoin, 0xbtc, haven , stellite, turtlecoin, snowblossom, amoveo, akroma and plenty of other coins that had insane pumps throughout the bear market.Example - dumped over $250,000 of RVN on "hodlers and true believers". at 750 satoshi on average when BTC was sitting at $10-11k and guess what? Im still a respected member of the community. Its actually quite hilarious. I basically stole money from everyone right under their nose and they all respect me.Once you located a specific PoW coin that has no Bitcointalk threads, no advertisement, no shills. Easier said then done. The next move is too read the white-paper.. No, im just joking! Seriously im joking. I honestly never read a single WP. The only thing i focused on was the fact how "whales" can shill the specific coin, is it unique?, is it trying to solve a pausible non-confusing problem irl? Does it have a famous company/developer/person attach too it? Are their nerds talking constantly in the discord room speaking in jibberish tech talk? Any well-known individuals sitting in said discord rooms? These are the only things i look for. Because crypto is all based on speculation/hype. That's what drives the prices.Once you locate something that meets the requirement. You mine it. You don't dare talk about it. You don't post about it. You mine it/invest in it for 2 month or so, this is a high risk/high reward, but that's the game we're in. Once a thread is created "shilling" that specific coin. It's almost always too late unless you got in at the very beginning of the shilling. The pump occurs because "whales" are helping push the price upwards and that mixed with new investors it creates a situation where the only way the price too go is up. It's very easy to manipulate a market when their is almost no liquidity in said coin.Once the coin reaches a certain peak.. This is when the miners/investors will dump and basically all the new investors end up losing money and blame the developers of said coin too be a scam, but the reality is it's us the miners/investors the ones who sat up all night researching, looking for new coin projects, and got in early are the one's scamming you. Yes, the ones telling you to HODL, the ones giving you the information about how great X specific coin is, we're the one unloading on you. That friendly guy giving you information and is a great community member... ya ur making that guy rich while you lose ur shirt. He doesn't honestly give a flying fuck about you, its a illusion.. remember that.This is a dirty fcking game and it's basically blood money, the only people making money in this game are the developers, people who create content, shovel sellers, exchange owners, hackers, and scammers.I made a little bit over 7 figures and majority of it came from after the bullrun hype of 2017.Hate me all you want, but this is how the crypto mining game works. Peep game or live in denial.

Submitted December 31, 2018 at 09:50PM

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