I was a moonboy and need some help

Back in late 2017 I invested some money in a lot of cryptos hoping for them to moon. Because of my optimism, I foolishly didn't settle when the market boomed, and like many others, I am in the negative currently. I still believe I'll make my losses back in time however. I invested in a fair share of cryptos that I believe are still strong, but then there are those who I just invested in because they were trending or a lot of people told me to. So I am asking you guys who actually have a vague sense of the current crypto market to help me out.I don't want to hear any crazy predictions or hate, I just want to know if the listed coins have solid roadmaps and futures and if they are still heavily supported by the developers of said coins.The list of cryptos I'm unsure of:ARK - ArkENG - EnigmaNAV - NavcoinPOWR - PowerLedgerPOE - Po.etREQ - Request NetworkA list of cryptos I'm fairly certain are still strong, but still want to hear your opinion:XEM - NEMNANO - NANOADA - CardanoVET - VeChainTRX - TronXLM - Stellar lumensIOTA - IOTA

Submitted August 25, 2019 at 05:13AM

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