How to make 2021 your best year

Here are 5 resolutions to make 2021 your best year.Waste less time. Got Netflix? Cancel it. Facebook? Delete it. Twitter? Get rid of it. Instagram? Stop it. Reddit? Skip it. Apart from the negative influence a lot of these media have, it's often a horrible waste of time. Americans spend on average 1471 hours a year watching tv. Malcolm Gladwell stated that it takes 10.000 hours or practice to become an expert at something. Didn't read the book, but I gave my own twist to it: I combine it with the pareto principle and I come to the conlusion that it takes only 80 hours to get 50% of the expert level. So yeah, let's be conservative and let's say it takes 100 hours to be decent at something. Then, go ahead, get decent at something instead of watching television. Learn to code. Learn a new language. Study nutrition. Try to master an instrument. Make your own furniture. This is investing in yourself. Waste less time on politics as well. The chance you will change something is very small anyway. Clean your own room first.If the thing you picked up at #1 is not a physical activity, pick up one. Go lift, run, go play squash. It's healthy for both body and mind. Chop trees. Fix your garden. Not only does this make your body release nice hormones and improve your physique, it also decreases the chance of getting Alzheimer's later in life.* This is investing in yourself.*Waste less money. Boosting your savings rate with 15% means you can stop working 8(!) years earlier. So again, cancel that Netflix membership and skip that McDonalds meal for a nice homecooked one. This is investing in yourself.Allocate some money to 'high-risk' investments. Buy Bitcoin, smart people do. Buy Coinbase before the IPO. We are in a bullmarket and the FED is printing like crazy. Cash is trash. You are scared of a loss? The dollar lost 10% ytd versus the euro.... and versus bitcoin? More than 70% loss.Make someone's day more often. Call your mother.*Don't waste time debunking Malcolm Gladwell, I don't care. The point is: you can allocate your time to more useful things than mindless entertainment.

Submitted January 01, 2021 at 02:51PM

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