If a single trading entity like robinhood can restrict its users from the free market, it's not really free. This is why we need crypto.

Many cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning they are not controlled by one entity, unlike a company such as Visa. The tokens are often limited, and since there's no big CEO at the top controlling our ability to transfer our wealth, the only person that can decide how it's used is you.Another benefit of decentralization is that it applies to the networks as well.The network is made up of nodes, so even if one node shuts down, the other nodes can still keep the network operational.10 years ago, the USA said we've had enough at Occupy Wall Street, and the rich just kept laughing and watched the protests from their balconies while drinking champagne. Many of us have been silently researching in crypto and transferring wealth into it. Some of us have made it big, and others are using it as a retirement supplement.We can turn the tide and take back our wealth. It was being taken from us every day with shorting tactics, hedge funds, and market manipulation. We can fight back by collaborating with crypto.

Submitted January 29, 2021 at 06:47PM

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