WARNING - New SCAM going around. Do not trust company called "Expanse Trade"

So a few days ago a user by the name of Terry Jakes contacted me about an "investment opportunity". I thought I'd give the guy the benefit of the doubt and wanted to hear him out. The whole conversation is in here. Now, I've looked up the company he referenced and they claim to be based in the UK, although a quick search revealed that they're actually operating the website from Kansas, US. The company is not even registered with the Companies House, which is the government website where you can look up businesses in the UK.They make lots of bogus claims on their website but that's all there is really, one website. I have tried to contact them and when I asked more about the lack of support for their claims they went awol. These guys are virtually invisible on the internet and they're trying to convince people to transfer btc into a new wallet and link it to their website so they can steal your btc.I just wanted to send out a fair warning to other users that might've been contacted this way by the same people.Proof of scam

Submitted January 22, 2021 at 09:03PM

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