Remember this during the upcoming bull run

I hope this doesn't get lost in the middle of all the meme posts and excitement, but here's a slightly more serious post. Food for thought:Stop being so greedy.Remember that this is a fairly risky investment (it doesn't feel like it because we are in a super bull market). Are you okay with losing 60% of your investment? Are you okay with losing 90% of it? Even if you think so, know that people vastly overestimate their ability to handle downturns.No matter what you do, make sure that there will still be food on the table if your Crypto investment goes to 0.Stop watching the damn charts and holdGet out there and enjoy life. I'm a hypocrite because I spent more time on this sub than I've spent at work today, but the price will swing up or down whether you watch the charts or not. I bet most of you aren't actually trading - but you're glued to the charts due to all the excitement from BTC taking off--but hey, you and I both knew it would take off.LASTLY, and by far the most important...Family, friends, loved ones should be the top priority in your life.If you're neglecting them and prioritizing staring at the price of your Crypto coins, your priorities should be recalibrated. Nothing matters more than those who give meaning to your life.Thanks for reading and here's to hoping better 2021 than this shit of an year!

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 02:05AM

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