Remember THIS during the upcoming bull run

I hope this doesn't get lost in the middle of all the meme posts and excitement, but here's a slightly more serious post. Food for thought:Be as greedy as possible.Remember that this is the most important investment of your lifetime. (it doesn't feel like it because JPowell has been pumping stockmarkets and rampantly printing money to stave off a deflationary spiral). Are you okay with sitting on the sidelines when your stock investments and 401ks lose value in comparison to the hyperinflation occurring in all the real price of necessities? Are you okay with owning only 0.1 btc at a million dollars when you could have bought 1 whole coin for $14k? Even if you think so, know that people vastly overestimate the ability of the government to control and issue money competently. No matter what you do, make sure you own enough crypto to where there will still be food on the table if your government keeps debasing its money. If you want to take a real leap of faith, look at the bubble the stock market is in, the amount of money printed globally without regard for consequence, and realize that there is no future where crypto doesnt gain widespread adoption, then go all-in.The next 14 months, you must stare at charts 24/7You will not have time to get out there and enjoy life. I'm not a hypocrite because I know in 2017 XRP and XLM both pulled massive rises in btc in short periods of time before retracing and then mooning again, allowing for opportunites of 1000x gains if the timing was right. The price of alts will always swing up or down so you must constantly watch charts especially btc and eth pairs to maximize your profits. Trading properly can change your life forever in an even shorter period of time. I bet most of you aren't actually trading - but you're glued to the charts due to all the excitement from BTC taking off--but hey, you and I both knew it would take off. You MUST trade. Do not let an altcoin go to ATH in sats without selling. Alts ALWAYS retrace. And remember, if you fall asleep for too long you could miss a 20% pump that you could follow with trailing stop losses. Stimulants and alarm clocks will be your friend. You can sleep in 2022.LASTLY, and by far the most important...Family, friends, loved ones should be put on the backburner this year. Theyve listened to you talk about crypto for years now yet wouldnt even invest $20 a week like you begged them to. Fuck em. They will get left in the dust. If your opinion was worth a shit to them, theyd be by your side right now. They arent, so fuck em. The next year will literally define how the rest of your life plays out. You must not squander a single moment.If you're neglecting them and prioritizing staring at the price of your Crypto coins, your priorities should be recalibrated. ANY time focused on family is too much. Nothing matters more than the opportunity to escape a life of wage slavery and Aunt Karen complaining to you about how the neighbor is breaking their HOA will do nothing but cause you stress and bring you down. In fact, if you are married or have a girlfriend it might be better to end the relationship now or "take a break" so you can focus for one year on never having to work again.Remember, true wealth is the freedom to choose what you do with your time. This crypto bull run, properly timed trades can put you in a position in which you will never have to work for someone else again. Realize that the rest of your life is worth more than your family, friends, mental health, and sanity for one single year. You can do this, I know I will.Thanks for reading and here's to hoping better 2021 than this shit of a bear market!

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 11:37AM

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