Bidens executive order, America competes and a history lesson about AmericaExecutive Order 6102

​ see a lot of folks talking about Biden's Executive or next month, America Competes Act and the CBDC's being provisioned.​If crypto wasn't seen as an issue it wouldn't need an executive order.TLDRThe Government is whack and President BLunder is about to use an executive order to come after crypto. History tells us that this can be pretty extreme if we reference what Roosevelt did with Executive order 6102; to confiscate gold.With out question this is being sold as a matter of national security****To be clear I am not saying they are coming to confiscate crypto, I am saying they are coming to regulate the shit out of it. IT compete with banks, it competes with wall street, it competes with the federal reserve, it competes with the IMF***​Here is how screwed up the use economy is (each with definitions and explanations for those who want to learn):Let's be very clear the American and world economy is on the brink of complete collapse.The synthetic CDO's of 2008 were never fixed, they gave banks moneyhttps:// student loan crisis cant be fixed because of an investment tool like the above called SLABShttps:// is causing massive supply chain issues so sales and manufacturing cant recover * if we can sell stuff and there are shortages the price will rise and wages will drop.** is recking the world economyCovid is going to endemic status but may evolve to get worse.Wall street is using the Federal Reserve as a piggy bank and the fed is using the Plunge Team to stop the financial collapse. Repos and reverse repos are at a record high as hedge funds are over-leveraged and in the extreme Red. is the plunge team​_______________________Empires don't invade other countries to control people they do it to control economies and resources​This includes pillaging their own:Its imperative to remember that the USA gave US citizens 1200 bucks and small businesses a fractured 2-time ppp system that was highly flawed but bailed out major corporations and banks at 120 billion per month.SO I dont know what to expect but I can tell you Executive order 6102 led to the confiscation of US citizens goldExecutive Order 9066 This post-Pearl Harbor order, now infamous, gave the military the ability to mark out areas from which it would be possible to exclude “any and all persons.” The upshot of this move was that more than 100,000 Japanese-Americans and Japanese immigrants were sent to internment camps.Executive Order 10340 This order directed the Secretary of Commerce to “take possession of” American steel plants. The order put to rest a threatened strike . Steelworkers striking was a "threat" to national security.​Executive Order 13228 established the department of homeland security and turned America into a terrorist-fearing hell scape and took tax dollars and gave them to military contractors in mass.​_______________________________China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are all being used as threats to roll out this new executive order to preserve the economy.​​​​I will leave on this final note. There are 2 ways to enforce policy in the USA; Legislation and litigation. If you don't have laws for a situation (legislation) you go to litigate ( go to court) and get a precedent using older or other laws.The SEC is currently losing badly against Ripple in court. ( They wont get a precedent) So they are turning to litigation (create new enforceable laws). Ripple is designer really to send VERY LARGE transactions instantly across the planet.​This directly competes with the CBDC and the Fednow Instant payment system coming out. is an instant payment service for countries and large businesses (banks, hedge funds, etc) IMF and Federal Reserve is looking to replace the ACH and payment systems​Crypto and block chain systems make RTGS and ACH old outdated techhttps:// are funds transfer systems where the transfer of money or securities takes place from one bank to another on a "real-time" and on "gross" basis. Settlement in "real time" means that payment transaction does not require any waiting period. The transactions are settled as soon as they are processed. "Gross settlement" means the transaction is settled on one to one basis without bunching or netting with any other transactionComparatively, ACHs are typically used for low-value, non-urgent transactions while RTGS systems are typically used for high-value, urgent transactions​Think of all those poor clearing houses and companies getting a % cut that will be wiped out._________Get ready for craziness and cheap crypto.I am buying up all privacy coins Monero, Dash etc as an investmentLearn how to use a VPN, Linux is your friend ( Microsoft snitches), and encryption doesn't hurt._____Edit:TO all those upset about politics, when politics comes after my crypto.... I get upset​To those attacking my character:I am not a right wing conspiracy theorist. I do not want to be doomed to repeat history.You using an Ad Hominem attack, this is a misdirection and doesn't talk about the subject matterAd Hominem(Attacking the person): This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone's argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument. The fallacious attack can also be direct to membership in a group or institution.​To those saying the Biden Camp may support crypto.I say you may be right. Its almost possible they would spend 3 months preparing an emergency executive order to regulate a multi trillion dollar industry they adamantly support.​The federal reserve and IMF will just sit back and lose control of the money system and allow the world populace decentralize payment protocols and do nothing. They may just relinquish complete control with out a fight and forgo tariffs and sanctions as a punitive system in Geo politics.Read here seems like they are going to do nothing and will just let control of the worlds system.​This is Geo politics and its bigger than John Doe not paying taxes. Its about Russia and North Korea buying weapons, and sanctions not working. about the US Dollar not being a reserve currency and the Petro dollar breaking down.​The US dollar used to be pegged to gold ( Nixon Changed that) and all other world currency was pegged to the US Dollar. This was established in the Brenton Woods Agreement and System of 1944​

Submitted January 29, 2022 at 04:51AM

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