Types of Moon Farmers

The Shiller Driller - Comments just one word, "ALGO", "LRC", "ONE" or other favourites on this sub but if asked probably can't explain what it does.The Portfolio Updater - Creates a portfolio of coins, based off some theme or point in time (sometimes picked by their child or dog) and provides regular updates with screenshots and profit analysis.The Tactical Downvoter - Makes a comment on a post and tactically downvotes other comments to ensure their comment gets as much exposure as possible.The Butthurt Downvoter - Downvotes everything as a pastime.The Shill Questioner - Posts some variant of the question "Which coin are you holding?" but may focus the question on market cap, short-term vs long-term, belief, etc.The Questioning Questioner - questions.The News Poster - Starts every day by posting a news article and consistently gets 5-10 upvotes but every 1 in 10 posts do brilliantly.The One-hit-wonder - Made one post with thousands of upvotes and never repeated it ever again.The New-Waiter - Sets posts to new and doesn't bother reading the post but comments something which is bound to be popular.The Reply Relyer - Has trouble thinking of witty comments or struggles to be seen, so they reply to the top comment to piggyback some upvotes.Moon WHALE - Has 20,000+ moons and surfaces for air every once in a blue moon. Is automatically upvoted as their opinion is highly respected.Golden Karma Poster - Consistently hits maximum karma with ease.The Regurgitater Baiter - Comments "DYOR", "DCA", "No one knows shit about fuck", "HODL", etc.The Comedian - Actually funny.The Self-depricater - "The price will probably go up once I sell", "Sorry guys, the crash was my fault, I bought in".The Judge - Either comments "great post op!" or "Low quality post, moon farming".The Ratio'er - Their comment's upvotes eclipses the upvotes of the post.Disappointed Willy Shilly - They bought a coin shilled on this sub but haven't seen significant gains, so they start complaining.Reply Poster - Makes a post replying to another post with the exact opposite opinion.Unpopular Opinion Dominion - Posts unpopular opinions which are either downvoted to oblivion or upvoted like crazy - no in between.The Hater - Missed out on the meteoric rise of a coin so they always hate on it.Moon Charity Parity - Loves donating singular moons to people.The Hopium Copium - "Bitcoin will hit 375k in 3 weeks".Wen Lambo - "What Lambo colour are you guys going to choose?".The Memer - "Buy high, sell low", "Sir, this is a Wendy's".Early Bird - The year is 2059, "guys, we're still early".

Submitted January 19, 2022 at 10:10AM

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