You know it wouldn't kill you to not be so bitter to each other all the time

Someone hears about Bitcoin one day, reads about cryptocurrencies, gets on reddit, wow so many subreddits talking about the thing i love, and then makes the mistake of joining this one.I understand you lost some money after being an "expert" in crypto for a year, let's hate on the newbies trying to figure out there way and asking questions on this subreddit. "Hey what are you smoking bro, crack?" You got the whole squad laughing, man. Just be a guiding hand to the newbies or can it with the harsh salty comments and criticism.To make this platform a better space and to push people forward you need to be able to see to remove yourself from your own perspective and see it from another's eyes, less bias, less cult like mentality towards your favorite coins, and it'll be smoother for all of us.Through support we can build a better community and some newbies here may go on to form their own startups and build the next big thing in crypto, what comes to mind when I think about supporting the community are launchpads like solanaprime that a providing a good platform for startups and support in their ventures for a change. Let's just be supportive and see how that plays out.We can see you're trying to moon farm by making OP fall on their face, that's really pathetic. Be the bigger person, help them help you. That's my 2 cents on the matter.

Submitted February 17, 2022 at 08:15AM

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