Crypto YouTubers who make videos like "This coin will 100x" and similar advices, should be insta-banned

I am really bamboozled how YouTube completely ignores youtube influencers who make videos such as "this coin will 1000x" or "get in before 100x" and "last chance to change your life". They go bananas and mute you if you use Jingle Bells in the funny cat video, but they allow shit that can sometimes cost people lose a large sum of money, to keep going on. This is ridiculous.Why is BitBoy still not banned? CryptoBanter is still being featured on YouTube even though they keep shilling the living shit out of projects that they are sponsored by.Like Aldrin Finance which they shilled to no end at 8$ and in a few hours after the release of video it was down to 5$. Now its hovering somewhere below 2$. Same for countless other influencers. Just look at the thumbnails here.​" ONE EXACT DATE CRYPTO BULL MARKET RESUMES BEST DECEMBER ADVICE"​"1 TOP ALTCOIN ECOSYSTEM WILL MAKE MILLIONAIRES IN DECEMBER!! "​" ONLY 95 DAYS TO MAKE THE BIGGEST CRYPTO GAINS OF YOUR LIFE!"​And it keeps happening again and again. Im not pointing them out, there are hundreds of channels like this all over YouTube, but youtube is busy with banning people who play Super Mario longplays.

Submitted December 21, 2021 at 11:23PM

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